Sam Livingston

Why Europe cannot follow President Obama’s weak response to the Islamic State threat

After burying their heads in the sand for years, Europe’s elite are finally realizing that their project is on the brink of destruction.

Whether you’re young or old, a few thousand steps and some fresh air will enhance your life.

The United States and Britain are rethinking the way police should handle minor drug offenses.

Did the Mayo Clinic really ‘discover’ the formula for happiness?

What happens when the Union Jack stops waving?

It’s not just another economically depressed city.

Working through social media outlets, the Islamic State is targeting an increasingly younger audience for recruitment—and creating a big problem for Western nations.

It is sad when people fear their own government eavesdropping on them.

America’s Border Patrol isn’t what it used to be.

As the U.S. takes Iran on as an ally in Iraq, how long can sanctions last?

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