An inspiring study that will help you become a person after God’s own heart
Bible prophecy will help you understand the treason in our country.
God has revealed new understanding about Ezekiel 2 and 3. He is pleading with you to heed the warning in this book!
People of the Western world would be stunned—dumbfounded—if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs—if they knew! They could know! But they don’t! Why?
Why America is falling fast—but its greatest glory ever is imminent
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first life come from? Can we know whether God possesses mind power?
Don’t be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been “born again”—but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising—it is startling!—the most important truth you can know, here made so plain you will understand!
Did you ever ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand!
This is a story about God’s Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.