Brent Nagtegaal

Iran’s fingerprints are on a bold attack against the oil trade and the global economy.

And an opposition party in Istanbul tops Erdoğan in opinion polls.

The New York Times seems to think so.

Calibrating Israel’s true military might while taking cover in a shrapnel-ridden house

After 40 years of struggle, Iran has finally subdued Iraq. Now it sets its sights on the greater prize.

The decision to label the irgc as a terrorist organization may drive Syria and Lebanon away from Iran.

And Iran orders rocket attack on Israel.

Trump confirms Israel’s legitimate right to sovereignty, but does he expect something in return?

The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are ready to explode. Will the brewing Temple Mount crisis be the match?

Jordan expands Waqf governing body to incorporate Palestinian leadership, immediately resulting in conflict.

Three events this week confirm that Iran leads the biblically prophesied ‘king of the south.’

The Trump administration condemned its predecessor’s weak Mideast policy—while withdrawing troops from Syria. Is this the beginning of the end for American power in the Middle East?

And American-Turkish relations sour.

Iran’s war against Israel is heating up rapidly: Iran is moving beyond threats and mobilizing for hostilities.

Lessons for our time from Winston Churchill

As Iran garners more power in Lebanon, it is also becoming more accountable to the Lebanese.

This is the season when journalists in various fields rush to post their recaps of the year’s most important events.

Breaking with advisers and generals, President Trump decides to pull troops out of Syria. Is this the beginning of the end of American power in the Middle East?

Two deadly attacks in less than a week announce Hamas’s strong presence in the West Bank.

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