Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

The Supreme Court heard arguments two months ago. Its ruling was due another two months or so from now. But the virtually unprecedented leak happened to coincide exactly with the theatrical release of 2,000 Mules.

Joe Biden is a puppet for someone who actively wants to destroy the United States of America.

A jury in Michigan agrees that the fbi was not looking to catch criminals as much as it was looking to recruit criminals. Was the same strategy used by the same agency on Jan. 6, 2021?

Joe Biden wanders aimlessly offstage as Barack Obama takes the spotlight.

Is Barack Obama finally pulling the plug on Joe Biden?

Slowly, but surely, the plot against President Donald Trump is being exposed.

As people are talking about the possibility of another world war, the Biden regime is helping build Germany into a superpower once again.

Overwhelming evidence shows the radical left stole the election by bribing activists and manipulating the elderly.

A prime minister who said he admired Chinese tyranny brings it home to Canadians.

A prime minister who said he admired China’s dictatorship brings it home to Canadians.

‘This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate.’

It’s getting harder and harder to deny that the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

You might recognize the mass hypnosis regarding COVID-19. But there are other near-universal beliefs you need to look into.

The tide is turning against the radical left across the continent.

Marked by a strangely appropriate and predictably disastrous press conference.

The tide is turning in American politics.

The anniversary of the Capitol Hill protest is being weaponized to shut down election audits.

And the propaganda media is censoring you from hearing about it.

The James Webb Space Telescope could open a window into the heavens like never before.

Politicians and public health officials are starting to act like a religious cult in their effort to vaccinate the unwilling.

Democratic elites say that if the 45th president runs for office again, our democracy will die. Is that really what they are afraid of?

Recounts in Maricopa, Dane, Milwaukee and other counties continue to expose election fraud.

Radical leftists are feeling threatened by a Supreme Court that is about to begin pushing back against their ongoing coup.

Demoralizing society, denying history, deferring immigration, defunding police and now ‘decarcerating’ criminals—this is a deliberate attempt to destabilize America.

Who is making the decisions off-camera?

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