Ron Fraser

While news analysts are largely absorbed by events in the Middle East, the “king of the north” is not sleeping.

It’s a rare species of humankind, currently bordering on extinction.

The Vatican’s historical ties with fascist states rise to the surface yet again.

A German think tank exposes the real purpose of the European Union.

The debasing of language is a sure sign of a civilization in decline. freshly reports that “The threatened collapse of the eurozone serves to emphasize the national contrasts between a dominant Germany and the southern European states.”

The ongoing euro crisis continues to pave the way for the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

The denigration of men by the opinion shapers of Anglo-Saxon society is a potent sign of our collapsing civilization.

A European think tank promotes the idea of an empire extending from Europe across Central Asia to the Middle East and Africa.

Putting a warming relationship in prophetic context

In one fell swoop, ECB President Mario Draghi turned the tide in global financial markets with a verbal frontal attack.

One teacher’s common-sense method of teaching children the way they were meant to be taught seems revolutionary today. But it’s as old as the wisdom once dispensed at Eden.

Today’s euro crisis is forcing the final pieces into place for the ultimate fulfillment of the grand Nazi vision of 1942.

In yet another encroachment of feminist liberal social doctrine on a once worthy institution, the Australian Girl Guides take God and the Queen out of their vision.

Angela Merkel and Mario Monti strengthen Rome/Berlin axis.

Pope Benedict has appointed a fellow Bavarian as his enforcer of clerical discipline.

ECB head Mario Draghi, Italian PM Mario Monti and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel all landed goals at last week’s crucial EU summit. France’s President François Hollande came away the big loser.

The left-wing press goes all out to pan Pope Benedict XVI. Don’t let them fool you.

The number is right but the makeup is wrong. Which nations will comprise the final 10 prophesied to dominate Europe?

The Greek election is over. How will it impact Europe and the world? One pundit says that Europe not only seeks a savior, it needs a total restructure.

Europe stands at the crossroads of a political revolution. What is missing is the glue to pull it all together.

June is shaping up to be the very month on which the future of Europe, and the world, will turn.

As the global economy teeters on the brink, all eyes are on Chancellor Merkel. Will she blink?

What will it take for the young generation to overcome its unparalleled selfishness?

The pope’s choice for head of the Vatican bank could seal the power of Rome and Berlin over Europe’s economy.

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