September-October 2002 • Volume 13, NO. 8
Recent strident demands by German politicians for Germany to take over parts of the Czech Republic and Poland should have Anglo-America and the whole of Western Europe up in arms. Instead, this specter of Nazi history hardly rates a mention in the world press. Why? And what does it portend?
One country in Europe is increasingly showing its willingness to militarily lead the union.
The gold market tends to spike during hard times. Hard times are here, so who stands to benefit?
Despite enthusiasm over implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, the peace in Northern Ireland is merely a facade, hiding a network of corruption, terrorism and gunrunning.
It is the most read-about subject in business. It is the most talked-about theme in politics. But leadership is also the most-needed commodity for today’s problem-choked world. Why?
What has caused it and what it means for the West