Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry
Personal Appearances
Gerald Flurry travels the United States and the world delivering public Bible lectures to subscribers of the Philadelphia Trumpet. If you subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet, you will receive an invitation the next time Mr. Flurry is in your area.
Register To Attend

Yesterday, Donald Trump survived another assassination attempt just two months after a bullet nicked his ear. This man’s life is clearly in danger, and there are serious questions about the trustworthiness of his security services.

Many people are asking whether Trump will survive until the election. I answer this question in my September Trumpet cover story: “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump.”

That article quotes a public address I gave on June 1, where I said this about Trump’s chances to return to the White House: “There are some people thinking, well, OK, he’s probably going to win it if he doesn’t get assassinated. Well, he isn’t going to get assassinated. He isn’t going to get assassinated—or how could he come back and fulfill a very great prophecy in Amos 7? From the beginning we’ve always said that because it’s in Bible prophecy.”

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About Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry is the presenter of the the Key of David television program and the editor in chief of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. He is the founder and pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College and chairman of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation.
Print Edition
October 2024
Get our monthly print magazine, the Philadelphia Trumpet, for more insight, analysis and commentary on world events.

I like people like Gerald Flurry, who put insight into the Scriptures.
S. K.
Thanks for this teaching! Great topic that we definitely all need to know and determine when that is.
B. S.
I refer to your recent letter welcoming me as a new co-worker and laborer with the Philadelphia Church of God. I’d just like to say how honored and privileged I feel to be considered in such a way, and hope to continue to support God’s Work diligently through prayer and financially into the future.
E. S.
I would just like to say that I am so impressed with the message that I am reading in this booklet. It is helping me to deepen my understanding of the Bible and is a joy to read. The doctrine is very inspirational, helping me to build a desire to learn more. Many thanks.
K. M.
I love what you people are doing. I very much wanted to go to Tampa to hear Mr. Flurry, but I didn’t have a ride, but I love your material. I was a Seventh Day Baptist when I was younger, and I am so glad that I found people who keep the Ten Commandments.
M. H.

November 1, 2002
Continue to Watch Stoiber
September 1, 2002
9/11: One Year Later
September 1, 2002
WWII: The Unnecessary War
August 1, 2002
How We Use Television
July 1, 2002
A Nice Gift From NATO
July 1, 2002
How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Yugoslavia)
Germany has gained oppressive influence and control over all of Yugoslavia, and they have done it behind the cloak of democracy. But their tactics were those of old-fashioned fascism! It is time we woke up to what is happening in Germany. The danger is far greater than most people imagine.
Displaying documents 861 - 870 of 951 in total
Malachi’s Message
This is a story about God’s Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.
Herbert W. Armstrong founded the Worldwide Church of God in 1934 (though it began with a different name) and led it for over 51 years to its height in membership, global impact and income at the time of his death in 1986.
Soon, however, disturbing and significant changes in Church doctrine began to be introduced. The changes revealed a diversion in course, one that led to catastrophe.

Yesterday, Donald Trump survived another assassination attempt just two months after a bullet nicked his ear. This man’s life is clearly in danger, and there are serious questions about the trustworthiness of his security services.

Many people are asking whether Trump will survive until the election. I answer this question in my September Trumpet cover story: “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump.”

That article quotes a public address I gave on June 1, where I said this about Trump’s chances to return to the White House: “There are some people thinking, well, OK, he’s probably going to win it if he doesn’t get assassinated. Well, he isn’t going to get assassinated. He isn’t going to get assassinated—or how could he come back and fulfill a very great prophecy in Amos 7? From the beginning we’ve always said that because it’s in Bible prophecy.”

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November 1, 2002
Continue to Watch Stoiber
September 1, 2002
9/11: One Year Later
September 1, 2002
WWII: The Unnecessary War
August 1, 2002
How We Use Television
July 1, 2002
A Nice Gift From NATO
July 1, 2002
How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Yugoslavia)
Germany has gained oppressive influence and control over all of Yugoslavia, and they have done it behind the cloak of democracy. But their tactics were those of old-fashioned fascism! It is time we woke up to what is happening in Germany. The danger is far greater than most people imagine.
Displaying documents 861 - 870 of 951 in total
About Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry is the presenter of the the Key of David television program and the editor in chief of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. He is the founder and pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College and chairman of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation.
Print Edition
October 2024
Get our monthly print magazine, the Philadelphia Trumpet, for more insight, analysis and commentary on world events.
Personal Appearances
Gerald Flurry travels the United States and the world delivering public Bible lectures to subscribers of the Philadelphia Trumpet. If you subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet, you will receive an invitation the next time Mr. Flurry is in your area.
Register To Attend
Malachi’s Message
This is a story about God’s Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.
Herbert W. Armstrong founded the Worldwide Church of God in 1934 (though it began with a different name) and led it for over 51 years to its height in membership, global impact and income at the time of his death in 1986.
Soon, however, disturbing and significant changes in Church doctrine began to be introduced. The changes revealed a diversion in course, one that led to catastrophe.

I like people like Gerald Flurry, who put insight into the Scriptures.
S. K.
Thanks for this teaching! Great topic that we definitely all need to know and determine when that is.
B. S.
I refer to your recent letter welcoming me as a new co-worker and laborer with the Philadelphia Church of God. I’d just like to say how honored and privileged I feel to be considered in such a way, and hope to continue to support God’s Work diligently through prayer and financially into the future.
E. S.
I would just like to say that I am so impressed with the message that I am reading in this booklet. It is helping me to deepen my understanding of the Bible and is a joy to read. The doctrine is very inspirational, helping me to build a desire to learn more. Many thanks.
K. M.
I love what you people are doing. I very much wanted to go to Tampa to hear Mr. Flurry, but I didn’t have a ride, but I love your material. I was a Seventh Day Baptist when I was younger, and I am so glad that I found people who keep the Ten Commandments.
M. H.

Yesterday, Donald Trump survived another assassination attempt just two months after a bullet nicked his ear. This man’s life is clearly in danger, and there are serious questions about the trustworthiness of his security services.

Many people are asking whether Trump will survive until the election. I answer this question in my September Trumpet cover story: “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump.”

That article quotes a public address I gave on June 1, where I said this about Trump’s chances to return to the White House: “There are some people thinking, well, OK, he’s probably going to win it if he doesn’t get assassinated. Well, he isn’t going to get assassinated. He isn’t going to get assassinated—or how could he come back and fulfill a very great prophecy in Amos 7? From the beginning we’ve always said that because it’s in Bible prophecy.”

Read More
About Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry is the presenter of the the Key of David television program and the editor in chief of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. He is the founder and pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College and chairman of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation.
Print Edition
October 2024
Get our monthly print magazine, the Philadelphia Trumpet, for more insight, analysis and commentary on world events.
Personal Appearances
Gerald Flurry travels the United States and the world delivering public Bible lectures to subscribers of the Philadelphia Trumpet. If you subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet, you will receive an invitation the next time Mr. Flurry is in your area.
Register To Attend
Malachi’s Message
This is a story about God’s Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.
Herbert W. Armstrong founded the Worldwide Church of God in 1934 (though it began with a different name) and led it for over 51 years to its height in membership, global impact and income at the time of his death in 1986.
Soon, however, disturbing and significant changes in Church doctrine began to be introduced. The changes revealed a diversion in course, one that led to catastrophe.
November 1, 2002
Continue to Watch Stoiber
September 1, 2002
9/11: One Year Later
September 1, 2002
WWII: The Unnecessary War
August 1, 2002
How We Use Television
July 1, 2002
A Nice Gift From NATO
July 1, 2002
How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Yugoslavia)
Germany has gained oppressive influence and control over all of Yugoslavia, and they have done it behind the cloak of democracy. But their tactics were those of old-fashioned fascism! It is time we woke up to what is happening in Germany. The danger is far greater than most people imagine.
Displaying documents 861 - 870 of 951 in total