Trumpet Daily

Is there any hope for those who have lived and died without ever having had an opportunity for salvation? The answer to that question is revealed in the final step in God’s master plan for mankind—pictured by the seventh and final holy day—the Last Great Day!

Practically no one today understands what the Holy Spirit of God really is. Many have falsely assumed and vaguely thought of it as something “mystic”—a conception of nothingness—a hovering, fluttering “ghost,” or a third person of a “trinity.” Today on the Trumpet Daily we examine what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

Jerusalem means “city of peace,” and yet this city’s bloody history has been filled with violence. No city has suffered like Jerusalem; it has known almost no peace. But there is good news ahead for Jerusalem. From the beginning, God actually chose Jerusalem and established it to be a city of peace. And He will one day make sure that it becomes exactly that!

Though he met with the greats of the world from Asia to Africa to Europe and beyond, Herbert W. Armstrong’s greatest affection was for one tiny, new country at the heart of the world. He loved Israel, and Israel loved him back.

In his epistle, James addressed a serious problem that had developed within the first-century Church. Something happened in James’s day that caused the Church of God to fall into ruin. Yet, as bad as it was then, James’s epistle is primarily intended for our day.

Is there a promised time of peace and prosperity just around the corner? Will Jesus Christ return to this Earth to set up a world-ruling government? The truth about the Second Coming and the one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ is plainly explained in your Bible!

At the end of the book of Daniel, God admonishes His people to think about the number of days left before the return of Jesus Christ. That’s because we are, whether man accepts it or not, on a countdown to Jesus Christ’s return!

After being rejected in His hometown of Nazareth, Jesus then went and performed a great many miracles and mighty works around the Sea of Galilee and the ancient city of Capernaum. Later, Jesus reproved the people of Capernaum for hearing His message but not being humble and childlike enough to actually follow through. The very same problem is just as common in this world today.

Bias has always existed in journalism. But why, over the past generation, have so many Western media outlets swung so far to the left? Today’s program explains why major news organizations have taken such a radical turn to the left and why it’s so critical for us to stay grounded in the truth.

The Day of Atonement pictures a wonderful and great event that will soon take place after the Second Coming of Christ, when God will be at one with mankind. But this world is in total ignorance of this day because it has failed to see the true significance of God’s annual Sabbaths. This annual holy day should serve as a constant reminder of God’s plan of redemption!