Trumpet Daily

For thousands of years now, mankind has decided for himself what is right and what is wrong—including which festival days to observe—regardless of what is found in the Bible. God wants us to search for a biblical reason for everything that we do—and then do it!

In the Bible, we learn that God is known by His name. God’s name and all that it stands for should be held in the deepest reverence. Do you honor and revere that holy name as the Third Commandment intended?

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of the Bible. Now, these prophecies have come to pass with stunning accuracy!

Despite the avalanche of coverage surrounding the royal wedding in April, can you remember a single story explaining why there was such a huge global audience? What prompted 2 billion people to stop and dwell on the wedding of a young English couple? Why was the world so fascinated?

The Prophet Isaiah has much to say about why the world doesn’t understand the Bible. Are you deceived about God’s Word?

Along the shores of the Dead Sea lies a barren wasteland that used to support the vibrant and bustling cities of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. What happened in these two cities that caused God to turn the entire region into desolation and ruin?

When people use the word “Armageddon” today, it’s nearly always associated with the destruction of the world. But what exactly is Armageddon? Almost everyone has heard of it. But few people know what it really means.

Why did the royal wedding in Britain gain so much worldwide attention while other royal weddings elsewhere don’t? Earlier this year on April 29, an estimated 2 billion people tuned in to watch a young English couple get married. Today on The Trumpet Daily, we explain why.

Despite the avalanche of coverage surrounding the royal wedding in April, can you remember a single story explaining why there was such a huge global audience? What prompted 2 billion people to stop and dwell on the wedding of a young English couple? Why was the world so fascinated?

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!