Trumpet Daily

Is the grave really the end? Or is man an “immortal soul” that lives on forever? Most theologians claim that death is merely the separation of body and “soul.” But is this biblical? And if not, what is the truth about this often misunderstood subject?

At the time he was created, Adam knew nothing about God or the universe in which he was made. His mind was blank! So what was the very first piece of knowledge that God began to teach Adam and Eve at the very beginning?

The gospel message that God sent to this Earth through His Son Jesus Christ is the most important knowledge there is, and yet it remains undiscovered by science, religion and higher education. What is the true gospel that Jesus preached?

Jesus Christ said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” History is repeating itself. Have we learned our lesson after the flood of Noah’s day?

Bible commentaries have a lot to say about the ancient city of Shiloh, but how do the many lessons of Shiloh apply to us today? And why, in the book of Genesis, does Jesus Christ refer to Himself as Shiloh? Today’s program examines the lesson of Shiloh.

When He was on the Earth, Christ said He must do His Father’s work while there was still time. You can feel the sense of urgency with which Christ worked. In this end time, do we also have a heightened sense of urgency to work while there is still time?

It’s not easy to let our light shine in a world full of darkness. During the fiery trials God has prophesied to come upon the entire Earth in the dark days ahead of us, it won’t be easy to be filled with inspiration and hope. But at the same time, these dire prophecies are also sign that we are drawing near to the prophesied return of Jesus Christ—the greatest day in the history of the universe!

As Christians, we must continually battle to get into spiritual shape so that we will keep growing stronger. If we do not exercise spiritually, we will get weak. Spiritual exercise begins with consistent, fervent, earnest and faithful prayer to God.

Did you know that within the confines of God’s sacred law there is built-in protection that guards the right of all human beings to own property? Think about how different this world would be if everyone on Earth faithfully observed the letter and spiritual intent of the Eighth Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal.”

Abraham displayed the living faith of Jesus Christ and was greatly blessed by God. This type of faith will empower your life in amazing ways. You can have living faith!