Trumpet Daily

Ninety percent of Bible prophecy is for this end time today. However, there is only a small number of people today who really understand Bible prophecy. God says in the Bible that we should prove all things. In order to do that, we must know and understand Bible prophecy.

When most people think of Jesus Christ today, they immediately think of a pale and timid long-haired man with a womanish figure. But did you know that these erroneous depictions of Christ look nothing like the Jesus described in your Bible?

Through the Apostle Peter, Jesus Christ commanded true Christians to repent and to be baptized. Therefore, it’s crucial that we understand what the Bible says about baptism. Today we go on location to the ancient remains of the Roman seaport of Caesarea, where Peter first delivered the gospel message to the Gentile people and baptized a man named Cornelius.

Throughout history, mankind has continually rebelled against God. Abraham, on the other hand, followed God with unquestioning obedience. As a result, God promised to make a great, vast nation out of Abraham’s descendants.

It’s easy to cry out to God for intervention and help during a time of trial or test. But do we return to our knees for prayers of thanksgiving and appreciation when God does provide? Few people today have ever really learned to appreciate all that they have. It is time we realized how blessed we are and give God thanks!

After the battle of Gettysburg, there were so many dead bodies—nearly 50,000 of them—that the Governor of Pennsylvania set aside 17 acres that were eventually dedicated by President Lincoln as the Gettysburg National Cemetery. How many Americans really observe this holiday the way President Lincoln said we should? How does the death of all these soldiers relate to your Thanksgiving Day?

A reunited Germany will dominate a soon-to-be-resurrected Holy Roman Empire—that was Herbert W. Armstrong’s keynote prophecy, and one he stated even as the flames from World War II smoldered amid the rubble of German cities. Now, that prophecy is coming to pass.

Do you know what sin is? Most people don’t. But you have to be able to see sin before you can get rid of it. Once you do, you will know what you have to clean out of your life in order to be truly happy.

Christ’s passion was to finish the work His Father had given Him to do. Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, had that same goal. As far-reaching as God’s work was in the days before he died, Mr. Armstrong actually said in his final co-worker letter that “the greatest work lies yet ahead.”

When former Apple CEO Steve Jobs died, his corporation was the most valuable company in the entire world. Many people considered Jobs to be the greatest CEO ever, and it was well known that he was perfectionist when it came to his work. This quality of being a perfectionist taps into the very character of God—because God Himself is a perfectionist.