Trumpet Daily

How can we get to know and understand who and what is God? From beginning to end, one major theme appears repeatedly throughout the Bible: that we must learn to obey God. In this program, Stephen Flurry explains the connection between obedience and understanding, and how you can better get to know God.

Anciently, God used Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. But Joshua had to take the Promised Land, which was a type of God’s Kingdom, by force. No one is going to accidentally make it into the Kingdom of God—we must fight for it, energetically drive ourselves forward and seize it as we would a conquered city. In this episode, Stephen Flurry reviews the history of Joshua’s leadership over ancient Israel and his wholehearted commitment to God’s work.

Asa began as a righteous king in Judah’s history who was at first on fire for God. He brought Judah out of religious confusion and purged its cities of lawlessness and idolatry. But toward the end of his life, he drifted far from God. Have you ever got off to a strong, eager start but then, after time, found yourself slowing down? In this program, Stephen Flurry examines how to keep your spiritual fire burning.

Many years ago, the author Bruce Barton called the Bible “The Book Nobody Knows.” This lack of understanding is why there are so many different religions today. How can you make sense of your Bible? In this program, Stephen Flurry examines four key principles to help you better understand your Bible.

The more we study and learn about our universe, the stronger the evidence becomes of an absolutely remarkable truth: There is an Author of the cosmos. And He intended for us to be able to study the stars to help us come to know more about Him—and His awesome purpose for mankind!

One of the most important keys to understanding prophecy is knowing that it is dual. A theme of duality runs throughout the Bible. Get to know this key of duality and Bible prophecy will come alive for you.

Herbert W. Armstrong died with his mind on reaching the largest audience possible with a message of hope—a commission his successors were dead-set against. They stopped the work and ruined everything God had given Mr. Armstrong for the work. But God responded by gradually raising the work right back up. Where can you find that work today? As Christ said, “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

This past decade, the United States has seen economic disaster, a dearth of leadership, and a loss of influence on the world scene. We no longer fight wars in order to win them—instead we occupy, trying to win over our enemies by appeasing them and then withdrawing after the plans begin to break down. Where is it all heading?

In addition to the many prophesied events now coming to pass on the world scene, there is another, even more practical explanation for why we know Jesus Christ is about to return to this Earth and usher in an era of universal peace and prosperity. It is because of a 7,000-year plan God outlined at the very beginning of man’s existence.

Currently, Germany and France are exploring radical ways to strengthen the crumbling economy in Europe—possibly even forming an agreement between a core of 8-10 eurozone countries. Anyone familiar with Herbert W. Armstrong’s ministry knows that the idea of a smaller union within Europe—one with Germany at the top and consisting of 10 nations—is not new. It’s actually described in great detail on many pages in your Bible!