Trumpet Daily

When most people think of Jesus Christ today, they immediately think of a pale and timid long-haired man with a womanish figure. But did you know that these erroneous depictions of Christ look nothing like the Jesus described in your Bible?

In the Bible, God calls His people a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar people, that they should “show forth the praises”—or virtues—of God. In this program, Stephen Flurry covers the responsibility of every true Christian to be an example and a light to the world.

Every spring, millions of people around the world gather to observe the supposed anniversary of Christ’s resurrection. But hardly any one celebrating Easter this month knows precisely why Jesus ascended to heaven after His resurrection, or what He has been doing since then. In this program, Stephen Flurry focuses on the Jesus that few ever think about—our Savior who lives today.

Multiple millions of self-proclaimed Christians in this world today claim to know Jesus Christ, yet fully reject the very teachings that Jesus Christ Himself proclaimed. Christ said, “If you will enter into life, keep the commandments.” What exactly is the Bible definition of a true Christian?

“Who and what is God?” is the most important question you can ask. Most people in this world believe in a God of some form, but they do not truly know who and what God is. In this program, Stephen Flurry explains where you can find the answer to this all-important question.

Imagine what 5 million Americans who spend 40 hours a week playing video games like Skyrim could accomplish if they devoted that amount of time to developing a more useful skill. In this program, Stephen Flurry examines the life of David, who learned to use his time wisely as a young man and eventually went on to become king of Israel.

The Fourth Commandment requires us to rest on the Sabbath day. But what are we resting from? Are you overlooking an important part of the Fourth Commandment?

In this world, many believe that God’s grace does away with His law. But the exact opposite is true. God makes it very plain that to be a true Christian, one has to follow Jesus Christ and obey God’s commandments. God’s grace shows us how helpless we are without God’s power and how much we need Him. In this program, Stephen Flurry illustrates how God’s grace actually upholds God’s law.

One of the great deceptions of our day is that this world is God’s world and that God is trying to save all of mankind right now. But if this is God’s world, why do we face so many seemingly insoluble problems? If God is trying to save the world now, then He must be failing miserably. In this program, Stephen Flurry points out key scriptures that reveal the truth about the god of this world.

Ezekiel 17 describes a mysterious riddle involving an eagle and the “highest branch” of a cedar tree. Later in the same chapter, Ezekiel goes on to explain what the prophecy means. In this program, Stephen Flurry shows how this unique prophecy is directly related to the United States and Britain today, exploring verses in Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah that help to further unravel this miraculous history.