Study: American Adults Are Blind to World Politics
A study by the Harris Poll organization has found that most American adults are ignorant of world politics, and almost as many were unknowledgeable about U.S. politics, according to an afp report. The survey was conducted between July 6 and 13 and sampled 2,225 people.
Knowledge of world political events was negligible. Only 3 percent of women and 14 percent of men considered themselves extremely knowledgeable in terms of geopolitics.
“Well over half (57 percent) say they do not like learning about political issues in other countries,” Harris Poll said.
When it comes to U.S. politics, one third of the poll’s respondents said they were disinterested.
As Americans grow more insulated from and less interested in world events, those events are quickly rising to a boil. With Islamic terrorism and belligerency increasing, the European Union growing in power, and Russia and China building an eastern empire, one could argue now is the worst time for Americans to be ignorant of and disinterested in the dangerous world around them.