March-April 2001 • Volume 12, NO. 3
Taking advantage of the main players in Mideast diplomacy being distracted by national elections, the European Union has quietly muscled in on the scene as much more than a bit player in the ongoing peace process.
Behind the curtain in Israeli politics
A hard-line crackdown on reformists in Iran gives a glimpse into the country’s future.
Britain’s prophesied entry and exit from the EU
A recently released document powerfully vindicates the predictions about the developing European political union and army made by Herbert W. Armstrong 56 years ago.
The popular will to expunge terrorism may give the EU a pretext for taking some dangerous measures.
It is time to wake up. The long-term effects of divorce are threatening the very life of the institution of the family.
Lessons from Britain’s fatal interwar policy
What is driving the “virtual blackout” of real news in America?