Andrew Miiller

Is America Ready for a Pacific War?

China is succeeding where Japan failed by using debt-trap diplomacy instead of kamikaze fighters.

Elections under attack

‘When any nation begins to look to its government to provide, that nation is on a greased toboggan-slide to decay and to oblivion.’

What seemed like a fanciful conspiracy has been revealed as a sickening fact.

The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

The pope criticized both U.S. presidential candidates, telling Catholics to ‘choose the lesser evil.’

More people are realizing that the national debt is America’s greatest domestic security threat.

The migrant crisis is a tool to transform America into a socialist dictatorship.

More evidence emerges that government agencies have been weaponized.

To be endowed with unalienable rights by your Creator, you need a Creator.

The Democratic candidate for vice president thinks Communists are people who share.

Today’s environmentalism is more about crippling the United States than healing the environment.

You don’t have to dig very far to see that the U.S. government is full of “red diaper babies.”

The fact that someone was able to shoot Donald Trump shows criminal incompetence at best. How strong is the evidence that it was more sinister?

The Biden administration has sparked the worst border crisis in U.S. history.

Reckless government spending is undermining long-term economic growth.

Stories about the motives of Donald Trump’s would-be assassin take a 180-degree turn.

The real battle for America is over culture, not elections.

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