The Fight for American Democracy

The Fight for American Democracy
The United States of America was a great experiment in self-government. Britons became Americans precisely because they had been denied their right to be represented in their government. Risking their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, they fought to bring forth a new nation that granted the citizen even more liberty, equality and accountability than the old. We the people became free to govern ourselves by electing representatives to appoint judges and to enact laws for the good of the country, and by electing an executive to enforce those laws.
For all its flaws, this system helped bring more peace, prosperity and liberty to more people than any other system of government devised by mankind. Over 12 generations since, many heroes and millions of everyday Americans have sacrificed, fought, bled and died for the fundamental American idea: self-government.
In the American republic, the individual citizen does not personally decide or even vote on legislation. He does not enforce legislation or render judicial opinions. The only means by which an American exercises self-government is through free and fair elections.
But nearly 250 years since the founding, those elections are a cultural, journalistic, political and legal war zone. That means self-government—the very idea of America itself—is under threat.
Elections are under attack.
A powerful force has infiltrated, altered and stolen elections, from the local level all the way up to the most powerful office in the land and in the world: the American presidency. By the very definitions of republic and democracy, this means a silent overthrow of self-government has already occurred.
Now, as Americans head into their first presidential election since the 2020 presidential coup, many are rallying together, and rallying around one particular candidate to try to fight back and “save America.”
The “war in ’24” is here.
Hacking the Machines
For years now, county election boards have been replacing paper ballots with electronic voting machines. This is largely to save time and costs and, supposedly, to preserve or increase accuracy. But these machines use opaque processes and are manufactured by scandal-plagued companies. The continued use of these machines, which are demonstrated as hackable on literally an annual basis, is a catastrophic breach in election integrity.
Meanwhile, especially after the covid phenomenon, state legislatures have changed laws to increase the number of absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing the scrutiny of these ballots. One after another, the fortifications of election integrity have been targeted and destroyed so that now huge numbers of duplicate voters, out-of-state voters, juvenile voters, felon voters, dead voters, digital voters and other illegal voters cast ballots, replace elected officials, and change governments.
A thorough research report by American economist Peter Navarro found that 3,069,002 “possible illegal votes” were cast in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Joe Biden’s official margin of victory in these six states was only a 10th of that figure. Therefore, no reasonable person can honestly conclude the 2020 presidential election was free and fair. And no observant person can honestly conclude that it doesn’t make a difference.
For most of American history, votes were counted by hand or with a mechanical adding machine. Anyone trying to alter the results and replace duly elected representatives with imposters had to collaborate with hundreds of people, including local election officials, who have to be present in thousands of voting precincts across the nation. Only in instances where the election was virtually a tie (such as in the 2000 U.S. presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore) could stolen or disputed votes in a small number of swing counties make a difference.
Now, 24 years later, about 90 percent of voters must use machines manufactured by only three companies: Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software and Hart InterCivic. That means malfunctioning or malicious hardware or software in the machines these companies produce can alter the results of an election, and it takes only a small number of people to subvert the will of millions.
The “trouble-plagued companies” responsible for manufacturing and maintaining voting machines “have long skimped on security in favor of convenience,” leaving systems across the country “prone to security problems.” This statement was one of several made in recent years by members of Congress sounding the alarm on voting machines. In this case it appeared in an open letter regarding Dominion Voting Systems, written by four Democratic senators. However, when their candidate was installed as president in a highly irregular presidential election 11 months later, the alarm went silent.

Regardless of party, election year or election machine type, the very concept of electronic voting machines has been demonstrably dangerous, and one of those who has demonstrated this the most clearly is data security expert Harri Hursti. He and his associates have examined the exact voting machine models currently in use year after year at one of the main hacking conferences in the world. His 2020 documentary Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections summarizes the results. In it, he demonstrates in a mock election that he can alter the outcome with a fairly straightforward means of accessing Dominion software and modifying a few lines of code. Yet even with this flaw known and demonstrated publicly, Dominion has not fixed its machines.
Navarro’s report chronicles nearly 500,000 voting machine irregularities in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. Factoring in undetected irregularities, it is likely millions of votes and many election results in November will be determined not by the American voter but by hackers.
Why don’t America’s leaders send reinforcements to eliminate these election vulnerabilities? Not only have they pointedly ignored them, current officials have simultaneously imported millions of illegal aliens into the nation, especially over the past few years, as potential future voters.
This means the official 2024 presidential election results will likely suffer even more voter fraud than the nation experienced four years ago—and that amount of fraud was enough to eject the duly elected representative of the people from the presidency, install a pretender to the throne, and suspend American self-government at the federal executive level for four years.
It’s a different kind of revolution, a different kind of coup, but it’s a war for control of the government just the same.
Remember, elections are the only means by which an American citizen can exercise self-government. True elections are self-government. Voting machines under attack means American self-government under attack.
The outer shell of what America seems to be might remain, but inside, the ideals, the principles and the Constitution—what it is that constitutes the United States—are being decimated by the enemy.
Undocumented Voters
America has suffered catastrophic casualties in terms of election integrity, in terms of the people’s vote. What is the main reason for this? Is it because our leaders are well-meaning but incompetent? Or are they grossly negligent?
Look closely at the massive, unrelenting political effort that our leaders have expended to install election machines, hold on to election machines, abolish voter identification laws, increase the number of easily falsified ballots, and open the doors to illegal voters of all kinds. An enemy has done this. There is indeed a premeditated effort to seize power from “we the people” and transform this democratic republic into a dictatorship controlled not by those who win the most votes, but by the officials who count the votes.
Federal law allows only legal citizens to vote in federal elections. Yet these elections are run by state and local governments. Along with the District of Columbia, 14 states inexplicably have no laws requiring voters to provide identification proving that they are citizens. Election officials literally take their word that they are citizens and allow them to cancel the votes of actual citizens one after another after another.
Add to this the fact that Joe Biden—who was installed as president due to a fradulent electoral outcome—and his regime have actively held the doors open to welcome 10 million illegal immigrants.
Eight states have enacted new voter identification laws since the 2020 election, but many politicians are opposing, undermining and ignoring these laws. These politicians belong to the Democrat Party, which has made it a central policy to degrade election integrity. Whatever rhetoric they spew to justify or obfuscate the real-world results of that policy, that is the policy. It is not an exaggeration to say that, in the war over election integrity, the Democrat Party has been fully mobilized for several years now and is the largest force fighting the hardest and winning the majority of the battles.
The United States House of Representatives passed a bill in July requiring individuals registering to vote in federal elections to provide proof of citizenship. The bill is unlikely to advance in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and Biden has said that if it does, he will veto it. In September, California Democrats passed a law banning voter ID requirements.
The Democrats’ consistent, coordinated actions in manipulating election laws make no sense unless they want illegal voters to vote.
People are required to produce a valid identification to apply for a job, rent an apartment, buy a house, hook up utilities, file a marriage license, obtain a passport, board an airline, borrow money, run a business, enlist in the army, complete hospital forms, fill a prescription, receive welfare, enroll in school, open a bank account, buy a car, drive a car, get a credit card, check out a book, pick up a package, cash a lottery ticket, buy a beer, get a refund, and numerous other everyday activities. Americans use photo IDs constantly, which is why an estimated 9 in 10 voting-age Americans already have one. The remainder includes those who have had their IDs suspended due to an infraction or who do not want an ID.
Yet the policy of eliminating voting integrity is so important to Democrats that they assert that requiring ID to vote disenfranchises minorities and is therefore racist.
A study by Just the Facts found that 10 percent to 27 percent of noncitizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote. That is a truly astonishing figure. The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult noncitizens living in the U.S. during 2022, which means 2 million to 5 million noncitizens can vote.
Even in Georgia, where a photo ID is required to vote, illegal voters will be partially determining which local and national candidates will walk the halls of power. The Heritage Foundation found that in one apartment complex in Norcross, 14 percent of those who admitted they are noncitizens are registered to vote. If this percentage is true state-wide, then more than 47,000 illegal immigrants are registered to vote. Even after all their infamous irregularities, the 2020 elections in Georgia produced a margin of victory for Biden of only 11,779 votes. This means that illegal immigrant voting alone could make the difference in this swing state.
The Migration Policy Institute finds that the top 10 destinations for refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. are Texas, California, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Washington, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Florida. Four of these states (Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia) are swing states where just a few thousand illegal immigrant votes, not to mention other illegal votes, could steal the presidency for the party of open borders.
There is indeed a war on American democracy. But look at the math on illegal immigrant voting alone, and you realize that the Democrats’ claim of “saving democracy” is psychological warfare.
Voting by Mail
Most First World nations have historically banned absentee and mail-in ballots except in rare cases where the citizen lives or is deployed abroad. But during the covid-19 frenzy, about 40 nations changed their mail-in voting policies, citing the much-hyped reason “because of covid” as rationale.
The United States was one of these nations. In fact, the number of American voters who cast their ballot in person on election day in 2020 was shockingly low: 36 percent.
Even before factoring in illegal immigrant voting and hackable election machines, the vote-by-mail phenomenon opened the door to tremendous voter fraud. Last year, a Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,083 likely voters found that 1 in 5 admitted to participating in at least one form of election fraud.
Politicians and election officials could sound the alarm, prosecute those who stole the votes of American citizens, and urgently secure local and national elections as fast as they can. They could at least admit that 2020 was “incompetence” or a “mistake.” They could excuse 2020 as an “emergency” requiring extraordinary action and extraordinary amounts of mail-in ballots, then allow 2024 to be marred only by all the other types of fraudulent ballots. But that is not what they are doing. They are flooding the nation with mail-in ballots again in 2024.
You might be anticipating Election Day as a day, but people around you have already cast their votes, legal and otherwise. America no longer has Election Day so much as election season. It’s not so much two sides lining up on the battlefield and knowing who won at the end of the day, but rather a murkier, ongoing struggle that allows more time for more subterfuge and more use of electoral weapons of mass destruction—more akin to asymmetrical warfare.

In Pennsylvania, people begin voting 50 days before Election Day, and officials will continue accepting ballots until three days afterward. Since this is an important swing state, America and the world probably will not know the official vote totals on the morning of November 6. Instead, there may be a wait—and a struggle—for the last of the mail-in ballots to be officially tallied. Remember, Pennsylvania is the state where, among other things, a tractor-trailer driver for the Postal Service filed an affidavit claiming that his Oct. 21, 2020, load from New York to Pennsylvania contained entire pallets of prefilled ballots.
“The Democratic Party uses a two-pronged grand ‘stuff the ballot box’ strategy to flood six key battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—with enough illegal absentee and mail-in ballots to turn a decisive Trump victory into a narrow and illegal Biden alleged ‘win,’” wrote Navarro regarding the 2020 presidential election. “Prong one dramatically increased the amount of absentee and mail-in ballots in the battleground states. Prong two dramatically decreased the level of scrutiny of such ballots—effectively taking the election ‘cops’ off the beat. This pincer movement resulted in a flood of illegal ballots into battleground states more than sufficient to tip the scales from a decisive legal win by President Trump to a narrow and illegitimate alleged ‘victory’ by Joe Biden. … By implementing its grand ‘stuff the ballot box’ strategy, the Democratic Party and its political operatives have strategically gamed one of the most sacred elements of American democracy, our election system.”
No one has fixed or even seriously addressed the vulnerabilities and the exploitation of those vulnerabilities documented by Navarro and others. The same voting machines are being used. The same politicians in the same party are preventing voters from having to prove their eligibility to vote. And voting districts are still issuing mail-in ballots by the truckload. The only major change between the 2020 and the 2024 presidential elections is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have abused their power to import several million illegal immigrants in addition to the millions who were here four years ago.
All the evidence points to Democrats waging another war on the will of the people in the 2024 elections.
Warring to Recover
Until the theft of the 2020 election is officially exposed, Democrats will continue to consolidate their power and withstand the counterattack, already underway, by citizens desperate to get their country back.
President Trump called for “only paper ballots” in America’s elections when he announced a 2024 White House bid two years ago, a clear statement of which side of the election integrity battle he is on. He believes that the U.S. president should be determined by legal American voters and the Electoral College, just as it has always been since the first election under the Constitution in 1789. And it is likely that the majority of legal voters are casting ballots marked “Donald J. Trump.”
In “What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power” ( in our July 2021 issue, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry asserted that Trump was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. He wrote that the Bible prophesies that Trump will be in power when certain future events occur; therefore, he must return to the presidency.
“[T]he indication is that regaining office may take considerable work,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “Donald Trump will have to fight for it. It doesn’t have to be military action, but it certainly could.”
2 Kings 14:26-28 record a slice of ancient Israel’s history that is actually prophecy for America today: “For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter: for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel. And the Lord said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash. Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which belonged to Judah, for Israel, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?”

Mr. Flurry has written since 2018 that this prophecy is being fulfilled by President Donald Trump as an end-time type of King Jeroboam ii of Israel. Through the 2016 presidential election, God used President Trump to temporarily save America from the radical-leftist forces seeking to destroy its Constitution and fundamentally transform it into a socialist state. But then his office was stolen, and he will have to “war” to recover it.
He has already fought multiple legal battles, including attempts by two states to take his name off the ballot entirely. The Supreme Court has ruled in those cases that unless the people’s representatives in Congress pass laws to the contrary, Trump has the right to run in the 2024 election and shall appear on ballots in every state. Republicans, conservatives, religious people and even moderate Democrats across America are preparing to cast their ballots for Trump.
But it is apparent that simply voting for Trump won’t bring him back to office. There will be a struggle. And conservatives will have to expose the millions of illegal votes cast for Harris.
Donald Trump is coming back, and soon. One of his biggest political tasks will be exposing the stolen election. As much as certain powerful people in politics and the media are pushing for it, Americans cannot pass over the 2020 presidential election steal as a fluke and expect the basic concepts of Election Day, citizens voting, self-government and the “blessings of liberty” to reassert themselves. They must see how close they are to losing their republic, a first step toward repenting of the many sins that have brought us into this fight for survival.
God is not finished with Donald Trump. There is a reason He keeps saving him from journalistic assassination, political assassination, a silent coup, lawfare and literal assassination. He has chosen to help the nation survive a little longer, and He is accomplishing this specifically by the hand of Donald Trump. Expect this man to return to power soon and to expose the truth about the attack on U.S. elections. When you see this happen, you will be seeing Bible prophecy
in action!