Declassified E-mail Confirms Barack Obama Targeted General Flynn
Newly declassified portions of a key Susan Rice e-mail confirm that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was personally targeted by President Barack Obama during a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting. This revelation should not be shocking to those who have kept up with the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the Trump administration. Handwritten notes from fbi agent Peter Strzok recount what fbi Director James Comey told him about this meeting. Yet the declassified Rice e-mail is our first primary source documenting how Obama personally ordered his administration to spy on General Flynn.
Rice sent this e-mail to herself on Jan. 20, 2017, recounting what transpired between her, Comey, Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Flynn, who at the time was an incoming national security adviser for Trump, was a primary topic of discussion. Comey said he had concerns that Flynn was talking to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak too much, so Obama ordered his top intelligence officials to begin spying on Flynn. Other sources show that Biden suggested using the unconstitutional Logan Act to prosecute Flynn for talking to a foreign agent while he was still a private citizen. But the big revelation from the Rice e-mail was that Obama knew Flynn had not passed on classified info to Kislyak.
This means there was no reason to believe Flynn was a traitor or a national security threat. Rather, Obama was abusing his authority as commander in chief to destroy a political rival. Flynn and Obama had very different ideas about the Iran nuclear deal, so Obama told Trump on Nov. 10, 2016, that Flynn was a threat on par with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. To neutralize this “threat,” Obama made a false accusation against Flynn that his intelligence agents could use to force him out of office.
“[Comey] added that he has no indication thus far that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that ‘the level of communication is unusual,’” Rice wrote in her e-mail.
Rice did not explain why it would be unusual for an incoming national security advisor to talk with the Russian ambassador; it is not unusual for security advisors and ambassadors to talk. Obama just needed an excuse to get Flynn out of office before he could influence the Trump administration’s foreign policy. This type of politicized justice is routine in Third World dictatorships.
You can read the full e-mail, including declassified portions, here. But for in-depth analysis about why Obama wanted to destroy Flynn, read Chapter 5 of Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s book America Under Attack.
“Many consider Michael Flynn an American hero,” Mr. Flurry writes.
He is a decorated war veteran who has saved countless American lives. As an intelligence officer in the Army, he tracked down Islamic terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was good at his job, and President Obama nominated him as director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.
In this new office, however, Flynn exposed how the Obama administration was failing to effectively fight the Islamic State and other enemies in the Middle East. He told colleagues that he felt like a lone voice warning that the United States was less safe from radical Islam than it had been before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. …
Then General Flynn did something that made him an even greater enemy: He signed on to help with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. This prompted Obama’s fbi to open a counterintelligence investigation against Flynn in August 2016 in hopes of smearing him as a Russian agent.”
The fact that the federal government has amassed enough power to target a critic like this is deeply concerning. National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney said the nsa was building a turnkey totalitarian state. Although the U.S. is not totalitarian like Communist nations and dictatorships, it has installed all the parts necessary. All that is needed is for the right people to turn the key.
It is miraculous that Flynn’s name has been cleared of the false accusation against him, and that Susan Rice’s incriminating e-mail has been declassified. God wants government corruption exposed, so people have a chance to repent of the sins that allowed it to take root (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Luke 12:2). General Flynn is playing a prominent role in this exposure process.
In addition to reading Chapter 5 of America Under Attack, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of General Flynn’s interview with Trumpet Daily host Stephen Flurry.