Key of David

God’s Covenant With David (2024)

The great God made an unbreakable promise to King David: David’s kingly line would last forever. Stop and think about this remarkable covenant—and how it includes you.

Offered on this program

Isaiah had a prophecy for the end time that was twofold. He delivered his message to the temple priests and to the people of Israel. Did you know that most of Isaiah’s temple prophecies are also addressed to God’s own Laodicean Church in the end time? The Laodiceans’ rebellion revolves around God’s government. They don’t want God to rule them. Isaiah has a powerful vision for the Laodiceans, the nations of Israel—and even the whole world. You won’t find a more inspiring, far-reaching vision in all the Bible. It pictures a beautiful and peaceful Earth. The vision reaches out into the universe. This prophet also reveals how Satan successfully destroys that vision for many of God’s own people. Those who overcome Satan’s deception will be the most honored people ever on this Earth. They will become the Bride of Christ!

A dramatic change in how God is handling this throne shows how soon Jesus Christ Himself will be sitting on it!

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