Key of David

Deceitful Bible Scholars

God’s truth is simple. The greatest deception threatening true Christians in this end time is vain intellectualism. Understand how to combat the deadly weapon of worldly philosophy.

Offered on this program

The book of Colossians ties in directly with Revelation 3 and the Laodicean era. The Apostle Paul was in jail, absent from the problems that were beginning to creep into the Church in the first century.
Today, Herbert W. Armstrong is dead, absent from the problems that have steadily increased in the very Church God founded through him. God removed both of those leaders for a very important reason. He wanted to see what we would do individually when a strong spiritual leader is removed. In other words, God wanted to see how well we could follow our true Leader—Jesus Christ!

Did you ever ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand!

We have to overcome Satan as Christ did (Revelation 3:21).

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Today’s universe is breathtakingly awesome. Discover how God plans to make tomorrow’s universe infinity times better.

Jesus Christ was the greatest prophet of all time. While on Earth, He revealed six signs of His Second Coming. To be protected in the dangerous days ahead, you need to be able to discern these signs!

Your Bible describes an unnamed prophet who will prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This man is on the scene today! Learn how to prove the identity of ‘that prophet’.

The biblical doctrine of predestination confuses practically everyone. Are human decisions and actions determined before we are born? Does God really judge us innocent or guilty before we even do anything? What a terrifying concept! Here is the little-known, hope-filled truth about predestination.

The Apostle John was the only New Testament writer to call God by the name “I AM.” The great “I AM” is a fiery warning to you. Learn about this powerful God of real authority—and how He experienced true freedom and joy.

America is under attack from within. Anyone paying attention can see this. But only one man, one book, and one work of God warned over a decade ago about the dark spiritual dimension of this attack. Prove that the vicious attack on America’s founding principles was prophesied in your Bible.