June 2004 • Volume 15, NO. 5
The Trumpet speaks out on a wide array of political issues. Just whose side are we on?
Why man’s many “solutions” haven’t worked.
The “secret” is out. Nuclear proliferation treaties are a sham. Nuclear hardware is just another traded commodity on the international black market. Where is this leading?
Pakistan supplied nuclear know-how to the world’s most dangerous states and the U.S. does nothing. Why?
How YOU can be protected from the impending nuclear nightmare
A cheap dollar can bring short-term advantages. But the greater implications should alarm us all.
Do you know God—what He is like? God is known by His name. Do you use God’s name properly? This article explains how to fully obey the Third Commandment.
Everybody thinks. But have you ever thought about thinking? Deeper thinking leads to deeper living.
News of the Philadelphia Church of God—the organization behind the Trumpet