Live by Every Word

Live by Every Word

Jesus Christ Himself stated that man should live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. He also said that God’s Word is truth! But what are those words? Who understands those words? And how can anyone live by every word of God if he doesn’t first know what those words are? In each program, hosts Brian Davis and Dwight Falk will examine the Bible’s doctrines and instructions on Christian living in order to help listeners understand how they can better live by every word.

The early New Testament Church received its beliefs, teachings and customs from the apostles who had been taught by Christ personally. Those same doctrines have been taught by God’s apostle and prophet in the end time.

True science and true biblical religion always agree!

Prayer is a very real, personal and intimate communication directed to our heavenly Father! Even though He already knows what we need, He wants us to ask Him—talk to Him—and thereby develop a relationship with Him.

Selfishness can manifest in many different ways.

Noah had his part to do before he could receive God’s promise of salvation from the Flood.

God’s purpose for us is that we become like He is—that we develop His perfect, spiritual character, which can be summed up in one word: love.

How does a truly converted Christian express service to God?

To become converted is to have God’s thoughts rather than carnal thoughts and emotions and desires.

Why is the world’s best-selling book held in awe by some, in passive discredit by others, and understood by virtually none?

”Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”