Trumpet Daily

Western commentators have called it an “Arab Spring.” The number-one state sponsor of terror calls it a great “Islamic Awakening.” So which is it? Today we examine the earthshaking events that have happened in the Middle East and North Africa just this year.

Paul’s exploits, trials and teachings are recorded in his writings and in the book of Acts. He was shipwrecked, thrown in jail, miraculously released from jail, stoned, and beaten with stripes on more than one occasion. Through it all, he remained bound by the spirit—determined to serve God and fulfill his commission, no matter what troubles were thrown his way. His life and writings give us insight into the history of fledgling Church that Jesus Christ started.

Over the last month, Israel’s ambassador has been expelled from Turkey, its citizens have been stripped searched in Istanbul, and its embassy in Cairo has been ransacked by an Egyptian mob, prompting Israel to evacuate its embassy officials in the middle of the night. Initial Israeli worries about the Arab spring have now started to materialize in sobering ways.

Roughly 2,500 years ago, God inspired His prophets to record many prophecies, which have been preserved in writing for us today. These prophecies comprise approximately one third of the whole Bible. Why does the Bible focus so much on prophecy?

Your Bible reveals that God will use Germany to correct the modern nations of Israel today—mainly America and Britain. Then, about three years later, God will use the Russians and Chinese to destroy Germany. Finally comes the battle called Armageddon, when Jesus Christ returns to rule this Earth.

It’s a marvel how zealous and passionate humans can be when it comes to false doctrines, pagan traditions, or even violent uprisings. Yet often when people actually receive God’s truth, they quickly allow those godly traditions to slip away through neglect. How zealous are you for the things that pertain to God?

Just four months after Gerald Flurry announced in early 2001 that human civilization had entered into the “last hour,” the world watched in shock as 19 Muslim zealots hijacked commercial jets and blasted a gaping hole through the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and pulverized the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. Bible prophecy lurched into the fast lane on that September day—and it’s been barreling ahead ever since.

Millions today lack the living faith needed to receive answers to their prayers, to free their minds from fears and worries. To a large extent, this is due to a lack of understanding of what faith is, and how it works in our lives. Today we provide a thorough yet simple explanation of the subject of faith.

Is it possible there is an unrealized connection between the galaxies with their mighty suns, their planets—and man? Prepare yourself for exciting new knowledge—the incredible awesome potential for which humanity was created and put here on Earth.

What is happening in the Middle East? One by one, political upheaval and chaos have placed areas like Lebanon, Gaza and Syria under the influence of Iran. Egypt’s political environment is heading in that direction. And now Libya, with the help of America and the West, is in a position ripe for Iranian takeover.