Dennis Leap

Many people are of two minds about lying. Is it always wrong?

Does the Holy Bible forbid it? Does it even mention it? Don’t be too sure you know!

Matthew calls Jesus Christ the son of Abraham. Do we understand why?

God severely tested Abram’s patience. Waiting for an heir proved to be a challenge for him and his wife. Abram had to learn that God stands by His word.

The Apostle James encourages us to rejoice in our trials. Abram’s life shows us how.

What happens when a human being walks with God? Abram’s example shows us that life suddenly gets thrilling, challenging, exciting.

The second in a six-part series about Abraham, the friend of God.

A six-part series on the father of the faithful

To enjoy the blessings God wants to give us, we must deeply understand the way of life to avoid.

Feminists claim that women, in the last several decades, have made great advances in personal freedoms, jobs, and politics. Women no longer need to feel shackled by the “traditional” roles of wife, homemaker and mother. But with all of this success, why aren’t more women happy? How can a woman become truly fulfilled?

Men today are suffering from gender confusion. Our society is now full of “soft”—and unhappy—males. Men’s encounter groups are springing up all over the world to help men deal with their intense sadness. Some are beating drums and dancing war dances to recapture their true manhood. What is true manhood anyway?

How did you come to be on the Earth? Are you here by the act of a living God, or the result of a lifeless process of evolution? Religion should be able to give us the answer.

Young people today face daunting challenges. Here is how we can help them through.

Young people today face some daunting challenges. Here is how we can help them through.

For one person to fill the role of two parents is a daunting and monumental task. But here’s how to face the challenge and succeed!

People are using the Internet to improve their lives. Well—their fantasy lives, anyway.

Modern education shows a dangerous contempt for history. And the most valuable history of all is the most overlooked. Here is how you can gain the greatest personal rewards from your study of this precious treasure trove!

Philip Rosedale says, “Our goal with Second Life is to make it better than real life in a lot of ways.” Is he succeeding?

Cosmetic surgery has gone mainstream.

Many recently have embraced Gnostic teachings that Jesus Christ fathered a child with Mary Magdalene. Was Christ married? Where do we turn for the answer to this question? Let us explain the stunning truth.

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