Invasion From Within

Invasion From Within
In Scotland, exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 mph is generally penalized by the loss of one’s license. Except, it would seem, if you are a polygamous Muslim husband dashing between two wives in two different towns.
That exact scenario occurred last year when a Scottish judge allowed a Muslim husband to retain his license after he was booked for driving 64 mph in a 30-mph zone. “He has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow and sleeps with one one night and stays with the other the next on an alternate basis,” argued Mohammed Anwar’s lawyer. “Without his driving license, he would be unable to do this on a regular basis.”
This episode is a measure of the bloodless cultural and legal invasion by the armies of Islam into British society and Britain’s judicial system.
What does a British judge’s acceptance of the Muslim practice of polygamy—even when it leads to the breaking of British law—say about the extent of Islam’s incursion into Britain?
The British judicial system and government now accepts the primarily Muslim practice of polygamy. British welfare laws, for example, allow for husbands to collect state handouts for each wife as long as the marriage ceremonies were performed in polygamy-tolerant countries. The government has effectively assumed the responsibility of appeasing Muslims and condoning—even embracing—Islamic culture!
This devious attack on the Judeo-Christian institution of monogamy is merely one example. To one degree or another, virtually all the foundational pillars and primary responsibilities of the British government—equal rights, the rule of law, education, national security—have been eroded by the rising tide of Islamification!
Britain’s Shadow Islamic Court System
“Islamic law has been officially adopted in Britain,” proclaimed London’s Sunday Times. “The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence” (Sept. 14, 2008). Under the 1996 Arbitration Act, these state-backed British sharia courts—of which there are many across Britain—when classified as arbitration tribunals, carry the force of law as long as both parties in the dispute agree to give them power to rule on their case.
Britain has Jewish tribunals that operate under the same act, yet they recognize the primacy of English law and operate wholly within it. By contrast, Islam recognizes no higher authority than sharia law. Britain’s sharia courts often do not recognize the primacy of English law or many of the principles it is founded on, which means their rulings often differ from those that would be made under British law.
“Law is the expression of a society’s cultural identity,” wrote Melanie Phillips. “If there is no one law, there is no one national identity and therefore no society but instead a set of warring fiefdoms with their own separate jurisdictions”(, Feb. 8, 2008; emphasis mine throughout).
Throughout history, Britain’s legal system has been among the most successful in the world. It has been at the vanguard of the judicial maturation of Western democracies. That success has in large part been a result of the determination of the British to use law as a national equalizer and unifier.
Sharia law is incompatible with English law, especially regarding equality and human rights. By facilitating the development of what Phillips calls “de facto parallel legal systems,” the British government is destroying its own governing principle of one law for all, exacerbating dangerous divisions within British society.
Consider further: Because these sharia courts are allowed by British law, their rulings are enforceable through county courts and Britain’s High Court. That means Islamic judges can hear cases and deliver rulings based on sharia—and then expect the British judicial system, at the cost of British taxpayers, to uphold their decisions!
Ruling the Suburbs, Schools and Banks
Islam’s penetration into other facets of British society is just as deep. Muslim control over some suburbs, for example, is so great that they have been labeled “no go” areas for those of a different religion. Last April, the bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, warned publicly of the danger posed by these extreme Muslim communities. Instead of setting off alarm bells across Britain, Nazir-Ali was lambasted by the media and government for being Islamaphobic!
The armies of Islam have also invaded the British educational system. Take Greenwood Junior School, for example, whose administration late last year sent a letter home to parents informing them that the school had, in the words of the, “canceled its Christmas performances because they got in the way of the Muslim children celebrating Eid”—a three-day Muslim festival during which Muslim children do not attend school (Dec. 4, 2008). Due to outrage by parents over the cancellation, the school rescheduled the Christmas celebrations for January.
Also in December, the Daily Mail reported on a movement to make Muslim prayer rooms, and even facilities for pre-prayer washing rituals, available to Muslim students in every Catholic school in Britain.
Islamic ideology is invading—and in many cases being invited to invade—educational institutions across Britain, from kindergartens to universities. Islam-tolerant curricula are being written and new rules are being created to facilitate Muslim students, while British history and Christian-based ideology—which liberal administrators believe offends Muslims—is being eradicated.
Islam’s incursion into British banking and finance is just as furious. In recent years, London has forged itself into a largely sharia-compliant financial hub in an attempt to woo cash-rich Muslims—despite the fact that, as Melanie Phillips has noted, “this provides a cover for terrorist financing and is a prime instrument for forcing the ever-wider spread of Islamic practices among Muslims” (National Review Online, Sept. 11, 2008).
Of course, the British government believes that by gutting itself to accommodate Islam, it is undermining radical Islam’s efforts to stir up resentment inside Britain, appeasing moderate Muslims, and reducing the potential for conflict with Muslims in general. But the evidence suggests exactly the opposite is happening. The policies of political correctness, tolerance and appeasement are emboldening the armies of Islam and adding momentum to their cultural and judicial invasion!
“Britain Will Become an Islamic State”
In September, not long after the story about the sharia courts hit the news, the Sun newspaper released a video of radical clerics preaching about Islam’s plans to take over Britain. “It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state,” declared Anjem Choudary, right-hand man of exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed. “We may never need to conquer it from the outside.”
In January 2007, Britain’s Channel 4 broadcasted a shocking documentary, filmed covertly, on Islamic activity in mosques throughout England. In the documentary, one Saudi-trained imam called for British Muslims to “dismantle democracy'’ by “living as a state within a state” until they are “strong enough to take it over.”
After the program aired, the government leaped into action—but not how you might expect. “The West Midlands Police lodged criminal charges,” wrote Brett Mason, “not against the extremist imams but against thetvnetwork. Responding to a complaint by the Muslim Association of Britain, the police accused Channel 4 of inciting racial hatred by means of an ostensibly distorted documentary that demonized Islam” (Australian, July 8, 2008). Something is desperately wrong when, instead of investigating and penalizing subversive Muslim preachers caught on camera gunning for the destruction of Britain, British authorities attempt to reprimand the tv station responsible for exposing the truth.
Among many of Britain’s leaders, logic and sanity have been replaced by the politically correct tenets of tolerance and multiculturalism.
Last July, the Center for Social Cohesion revealed that among Muslim students in Britain, nearly one third believe that killing in the name of religion is right; 40 percent say they support the introduction of sharia law into Britain; nearly 25 percent do not think men and women are equal in the eyes of “Allah”; one third don’t think or don’t know whether Islam is compatible with Western democracy; and one third say they favor the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate.
Other facts and figures indicate, as Phillips put it, that Britain “now harbors the most developed infrastructure of Islamist terrorism and extremism in the Western world” (Mail Online, Dec. 1, 2008).
Make no mistake: Islam is invading Britain from the inside out!
Yet despite Islam’s burgeoning armies—and ignoring the brave cries of commentators like Melanie Phillips and of many other frustrated British citizens—the government lacks the courage and character to admit the blatant failure of its liberal approach to immigration and to deal conclusively with the problem. Intoxicated on the syrupy elixirs of political correctness, tolerance, appeasement and multiculturalism, the British establishment fails to see what so many Britons see: that a deadly enemy is growing in their midst.
Who’s to Blame?
Much of the blame for radical Islam’s invasion of Britain lies with the government, and its naive, apologetic and deeply flawed approach toward Islam.
“The reason for such flawed policies is the false analysis on which they are based,” says Phillips. “The government and security establishment refuse to acknowledge that what we are facing is a religious war. Instead, they think that Islamist terrorism is driven by grievances which are basically the fault of the West” (ibid.).
It is no exaggeration to say that a deadly foreign army has invaded Britain. Thousands of Muslims living in Britain consider themselves at war with Britain—literally! Yet, despite the growing presence and influence of Islam’s marauding armies, the response of the British government is to negotiate, appease and compromise their way out of war!
When will they realize this tactic isn’t working?
In fact, the British government is making the problem worse. By failing to confront the Islamic soldiers in their midst, and embracing policies that promote the growth of Islamic religion and culture in Britain, Britain’s leaders are making future conflict and catastrophe inevitable and are thrusting Britain closer to collapse.
Islam’s successful invasion of Britain is a powerful condemnation of Britain’s leaders. It exposes the dire leadership crisis in that nation!
It is also evidence of a prophecy in the book of Isaiah that talks specifically about a leadership crisis in Britain, as well as in America and the Jewish state. Notice Isaiah 3: “For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away … The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counseller, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator” (verses 1-3).
God says explicitly that He would take away quality leadership from Britain, America and the Jewish state. That’s exactly what He is doing! These nations have produced some of the greatest political and military leaders, inventors, judges and orators in world history. But look at Britain, America and Israel today: The Churchills, Franklins and Ben-Gurions have vanished!
While this prophecy is deeply sobering, it’s more positive than you might think. God says He removes quality leadership from these nations. Think about that. Why would God, the fantastic Being who created this universe, be so interested in who leads these countries?
And if God is responsible for taking away high-quality leadership from these nations, doesn’t that mean He may have given it to them in the first place? It does!
Isaiah 3 shows that God is deeply interested in world affairs, especially the affairs of Britain, America and the Jewish state! The Bible overflows with evidence of God’s involvement in world history, and especially His unique and moving relationship with these nations. To learn more about this fascinating reality, request The United States and Britain in Prophecy.