Homosexuality More Widely Accepted, Says Poll

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Homosexuality More Widely Accepted, Says Poll

The homosexual agenda is gaining ground in the United States.

Americans are more tolerant of homosexuality than ever according to a recent Gallup poll. The numbers suggest that rapid changes in public acceptance have come about largely because of promotion of the homosexual agenda in the education system.

Consider the difference in opinion between the young and the old: Of those over 55 years old, only 45 percent support “homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle”; by contrast, the support among people from 18 to 34 years old is 75 percent (www.lifesite.net, May 30).

One of the starkest changes in opinion over the last 30 years regards the actual cause of homosexuality. According to the Gallup survey, more than half of the population thinks homosexuals are more or less born that way; 11 percent of those believe that, though genetics play a role, environment also factors in, but a full 42 percent agreed that people are simply born homosexual. Thirty years ago, the statistics were flipped: In 1977, 56 percent of the population identified only upbringing and environment as the cause, and only 13 percent of the population thought homosexuals were born homosexual.

The push for pro-homosexual education continues; the California State Senate voted on May 24 “in favor of legislation that would require schools to portray homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality as positive choices to children” throughout their K-12 experience.

Those who would deny homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual couples remain a slight majority: 53 to 46 percent (1 percent had no opinion). As a pro-homosexual generation gets older and society becomes even more tolerant, look for the numbers to reverse in no time—especially with American politicians looking to get the “gay vote.” Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, for example, has promised to promote the homosexual agenda if she is elected and told homosexual activist groups, “I am proud to stand by your side.”

Even though there are strong opinions on both sides of the homosexual issue, it seems homosexuality isn’t that important to Americans in the grand scheme: It had the lowest importance of any issue tested in the 2004 presidential campaign.

To understand the biblical view of homosexuality, read “War Over Marriage.” For a look at the problem with assuming an attitude of indifference toward this issue, read “The Flaw of Tolerance.”