Mass Migration Is Leading to Race Wars

Mass Migration Is Leading to Race Wars
The stress and crushing weight of Britain’s migrant crisis finally jolted on July 29, sending shock waves across the nation.
That day, the son of Rwandan immigrants brutally murdered three young girls in Southport. Word spread—some of it true, some of it false. Politicans and police rushed to shape the narrative. And the patience of many British citizens snapped.
In early August, anti-immigration protesters and pro-immigration counterprotestors faced off in Aldershot, Barnsley, Belfast, Brighton, Cardiff, Chatham, Leeds, Nottingham, Rotherham, Southampton and Weymouth. On some days, the numbers of total counterprotestors filling the streets in various cities reached an estimated 25,000. In Blackpool, Bristol, Lancaster, Plymouth, Stoke-on-Trent and Wath upon Dearne, protesters and counterprotestors clashed, smashing windows and throwing stones, bricks, glass and fireworks. Masses of men clad in black were seen in various cities: One mass was recorded running through the streets of Bolton chanting, “Allahu Akbar.” The scene was similar in Middlesbrough, where large numbers of foreign young men filled streets, some of whom ganged up to attack lone white individuals. In other places, some of the dark-clad men were seen carrying machetes and other weapons. In Birmingham, hundreds of masked men, some armed, intimidated pedestrians and diners and struck motorists’ vehicles. One reporter said, “[T]here wasn’t a safe place for us to go for miles.” One young male in a group of foreigners summarized the situation, “We’re asserting dominance.”
In response to this crisis, British authorities cracked down—not on lawless migrants, but disproportionately on anything perceived as racist—even online. Prime Minister Keir Starmer warned British protestors, “I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online.” One 55-year-old woman was arrested for “false communication” and “publishing written material to stir up racial hatred.” Two men in their 20s are in jail for advocating attacks on migrant hotels and mass deportation. Another man was arrested for claiming online that the murderer was a recently arrived asylum seeker.
Incidents like these are occurring in several countries: Immigrants are committing violent crimes, authorities are covering up details to minimize the connection to migration status or race, citizens are growing frustrated and angry, and authorities are attacking them rather than the criminals. And all the while, most importantly, the crush of unrestricted immigration continues to build. The evitable results are increasing racial tensions and social disorder.
These nation-destroying problems are a direct result of a leftist infatuation with mass migration and open borders.
Last year, roughly 2.5 million people illegally migrated to the United States. About 40,000 migrated to Great Britain, 30,000 to Canada, and a few hundred to Australia, equating to nearly 2.6 million total illegal immigrants—more than the population of Botswana. Since Joe Biden took the oath of office, illegal immigration into the U.S. has spiked 540 percent. Over the same period, it has risen 390 percent in Britain and 660 percent in Canada. (The numbers are more modest in Australia, which has a long history of accepting refugees via legal means.)
The dangerous effects of those misguided policies are clearer all the time. In the United States the problem is so obvious that Kamala Harris, the Democrat presidential nominee, has abruptly abandoned her criticisms of strict border policies and is rebranding herself as being “tough as nails” on immigration (article, page 14). But this is a PR stunt to curry votes: The left is deeply committed to encouraging migration from the Third World into the First World, even if it is illegal—and in some cases, even if it is violent.
Why? Why the push for such patently self-destructive policies?
Longtime Trumpet readers will be aware of editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s focus on the destructive influence of former U.S. president Barack Obama. His book America Under Attack explains not just what this man has done, but why—the unseen spiritual cause behind his actions. This understanding is crucial to recognizing the true nature of this immigration crisis. Because Obama is probably the single most prominent spokesman for and legitimizer of radicalism—on sex, finance, morals, rule of law, and immigration—that has transformed the governments of the English-speaking world. Understanding his agenda on immigration and how it fits his broader ambitions provides profound insight into what is really taking place.
In our last Trumpet issue, Mr. Flurry made a bold statement about why Obama has pushed the flow of migrants, particularly into the U.S., Britain, Australia and Canada: because he wants “to bring in soldiers who can sow division, violence, confusion, terrorism, race war and civil war in America, as well as these other nations!” (
This may seem an audacious allegation. But study Obama’s time as president and his years since stepping down from the most powerful office in the world. Even now, he exerts more global influence than almost any other single person. And he has consistently pushed for more migration into these countries even though it was and is causing massive and obvious harm. The racial violence and terrorism in these nations isn’t an unintended effect of this effort. It is intentional.
Of course, this attack is much bigger than just one individual. The Bible reveals that there is a spiritual force behind it—and a spiritual solution.
The Migration Czar
Knowing that illegal immigration has caused clear harm to the English-speaking nations—and knowing that Obama has fought to sustain and increase illegal immigration—certain events over the past few years, and his influence on them, take on new significance.
In 2015, conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations created an unprecedented refugee crisis involving millions of people. In a speech before the UN General Assembly, Barack Obama urged the world to resettle hundreds of thousands of them in their own lands. “This isn’t just about what I can do as president,” he said. “Every single one of us—from citizens to ngos [nongovernmental organizations]—can help refugees find safe haven.”
A global resettling movement began. Various companies such as Kickstarter, Instacart, Airbnb, Starbucks and Twitter responded to Obama’s plea and set up ways for people to donate to ngos or help refugees directly. Under the hashtag #AidRefugees, companies partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and provided billions in humanitarian assistance.
This initiative, however, was not intended to help refugees find temporary asylum. It aimed to provide them permanent new homes.
In June 2016, the White House established the Partnership for Refugees to obtain resources from private companies for its migration programs. Since then, the partnership, now known as Tent Partnership for Refugees, has convinced hundreds of businesses to commit to hiring nearly a quarter-million refugees across a dozen countries.
Beyond directly financing the movement of refugees and recruiting companies to help, Obama also addressed world leaders directly. In September 2016, he hosted the Leaders’ Summit on the Global Refugee Crisis, urging a global commitment to take in more refugees. “[J]ust as failure to act in the past—for example, by turning away Jews fleeing Nazi Germany—is a stain on our collective conscience,” he stated, “I believe history will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment.”

In this speech, Obama praised the work of the International Organization for Migration (iom). Today, eight years later, an Obama trustee leads this organization: Amy Pope. When she took over, she called migration “a tool to unlock human potential to advance economic development.” This is a remarkable statement in light of the profound problems that mass migration is causing in many countries today. But it well represents the propaganda that is promoting what has become a truly well-oiled machine of moving refugees globally.
After Amy Pope met privately with Pope Francis to discuss this issue, she said, “He’s an incredible voice, and at this moment in time when so much of the rhetoric around migration is so negative, having someone like [him] speak out so passionately and eloquently on the subject is incredibly important, not just for our organization but for millions of people around the world.”
The Catholic Church does more than merely help with kind words. As Vatican News reported, “Many Catholic aid organizations are assisting by providing emergency help and long-term settlement services for migrants and refugees.” The 19,000 staffers working in 171 countries led by Amy Pope are aided by Catholic organizations led by Pope Francis and dozens of other organizations to make this massive project feasible. They supply food on the journey, provide cash, help with visas, assist with transportation, and aid in finding jobs for millions of people worldwide.
But not every country wants to take refugees. That is why, at the 2016 summit, Mr. Obama introduced the Emergency Resettlement Country Joint Support Mechanism, a joint project of the iom and the UN Refugee Agency that provides financial and technical aid to countries establishing or expanding refugee resettlement programs.
The specific aim of this initiative was to encourage countries in South America and elsewhere to accept asylum seekers from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, voa News reported at the time. The next year, Chile started hosting its first Syrian refugees, supported by the UN. In ensuing years, more and more Middle Eastern migrants came to Latin America, and many of them illegally made their way into the U.S. during the Biden administration.
To understand this large-scale operation, we have to better understand Obama’s vision.
Inspired by Mandela
At the memorial service of Nelson Mandela in 2013, Obama gave a eulogy in which he said that Mandela “stirred something in me.” “It woke me up to my responsibilities to others and to myself, and it set me on an improbable journey that finds me here today.”
Returning to South Africa in 2018, Obama stated that Mandela’s “light shone so brightly, even from that narrow Robben Island cell, that in the late ’70s he could inspire a young college student on the other side of the world to reexamine his own priorities, could make me consider the small role I might play in bending the arc of the world towards justice.”
Who was Mandela when he was inspiring Obama? In 1964, 30 years before becoming South Africa’s president in 1994, Mandela was charged with sabotage and plotting revolution. He headed up a terrorist organization responsible for thousands of deaths—most of it black-on-black crime. (Read “The Truth About Nelson Mandela.”) Though British rule had ended, Mandela believed he had to fight “institutionalized racism.” “We had either to accept inferiority or fight against it by violence,” he said. “We chose the latter.”
Obama sought to replicate what happened in South Africa on a global scale. He saw the world as divided between camps of oppressor and oppressed. He traced the cause back to colonial rule, and became convinced that global change might require global violence.
Mandela was born in 1918. One hundred years later, Obama said: “There was no reason to believe that a young black boy at this time, in this place, could in any way alter history. After all, South Africa was then less than a decade removed from full British control. Already, laws were being codified to implement racial segregation and subjugation, the network of laws that would be known as apartheid. … The dominant European powers, having ended a horrific world war just a few months after Madiba’s birth, viewed this continent and its people primarily as spoils in a contest for territory and abundant natural resources and cheap labor. And the inferiority of the black race, an indifference towards black culture and interests and aspirations, was a given.”
But Obama went much further than cherry-picking past flaws. He stated that despite new laws, constitutions and nice words, “[t]he previous structures of privilege and power and injustice and exploitation never completely went away.” This elicited great applause from his South African audience.
Now Obama seeks to fully dislodge those “structures of privilege.” It appears that part of his strategy is to resettle the “oppressed” to where they can violently overthrow the “oppressors,” just as Mandela sought to do. This speech illuminated Obama’s thinking on global polices, specifically migration.
“It is a plain fact that racial discrimination still exists in both the United States and South Africa,” he said to cheers and applause. He then blamed “the accumulated disadvantages of years of institutionalized oppression” for “disparities in income, and in wealth, and in education, and in health, in personal safety, in access to credit.”
Obama’s speech ignored the fact that slavery was a societal sin long before the British Empire existed, and that the British Empire outlawed this evil practice and spilled blood and treasure to eradicate it. He ignored the fact that America and Britain have expanded freedoms and opportunities for millions around the world. Instead, he claimed America’s and Britain’s rise came at the expense of the rest of the world and is the source of the world’s injustices. That is an absolute lie.
“Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world,” he said. He quoted Mandela: “Young people are capable, when aroused, of bringing down the towers of oppression and raising the banners of freedom,” then said, “Now is a good time to be aroused. Now is a good time to be fired up.”
Using the world’s most powerful office, Obama aroused people to tear down civilization and “remake the world.” That world, in the modern era, has been defined by American and British values.
To Britain: Embrace Immigration!
What has Obama’s agenda been for Britain, particularly regarding immigration?
In 2011, he became the first U.S. president to address the British Parliament at Westminster Hall. “Unlike most countries in the world, we do not define citizenship based on race or ethnicity,” he stated. “Yes, our diversity can lead to tension. And throughout our history there have been heated debates about immigration and assimilation in both of our countries. But even as these debates can be difficult, we fundamentally recognize that our patchwork heritage is an enormous strength …. [T]hat it’s possible for the sons and daughters of former colonies to sit here as members of this great Parliament, and for the grandson of a Kenyan who served as a cook in the British Army to stand before you as president of the United States.”
According to the Times, Obama’s grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama served with the British Army in Burma during World War ii, returned to Kenya serving as a military cook, developed a deep-seated resentment toward the British, and started to cooperate with the Kikuyu Central Association, which allegedly took oaths to kill white settlers—from which the bloody Mau Mau revolt evolved. Barack Obama Sr., Onyango’s son and the president’s father, shared the same resentments. Barack Obama’s memoir Dreams From My Father shows that the dreams of revolt live on in the grandson.
Obama’s speech before Parliament revolved around urging the British to embrace immigration. At one time, Britain exported its culture in hopes of bringing about a better world. Mr. Obama flipped this notion on its head, claiming that a better Britain would emerge if it absorbed nonwhite cultures. Evidence in Britain loudly testifies to the contrary.

The Heritage Foundation observed, “Barack Obama epitomizes the anti-Brexit globalist liberal elite who openly sneer at the defense of borders, nation states and the fight against supranationalism.” Obama supports open borders because they permanently transform British society. He promotes “supranationalism” because it allows unelected authorities to dictate what otherwise independent countries could decide.
In April 2016, just weeks before Britain’s Brexit referendum, Obama visited Downing Street. During his trip, one reporter confronted him about interfering in Britain’s affairs, stating, “America would not accept the levels of immigration from Mexico that we have to accept from the EU.” Obama responded by threatening that if Britain left the EU, it would go to “the back of the queue” for trade deals.
The tables had indeed turned: The grandson of a Kenyan cook in the British Army threatened the former colonial power with economic ruin for not submitting to supranational government.
Seizing on migration in Britain was especially effective—and destructive. The issue was already a problem before Obama came along. In 2004, 10 new member states, mostly poorer countries, joined the European Union. Most member nations closed their borders to these new member states to protect their own workers. Britain was one of only three nations that threw its borders wide open. Andrew Neather, a speechwriter for Tony Blair and other senior Labour leaders, said his party had a “deliberate policy … to open up the UK to mass migration” and wanted to “rub the right’s nose in diversity.”
But Labour was voted out. Britain left the European Union. Migration was a major factor in both events. Yet migration didn’t just continue—it grew. In 2023, net migration was nearly 700,000 (the proportional number in the U.S. would be 3.4 million). One in five elementary schoolchildren doesn’t speak English as a first language. In 2,000 schools, the majority don’t speak English as a first language; and in 200 schools, 90 percent do not. London is essentially a foreign city. Only one third of its citizens identify as “White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British.” Only a quarter of the children born in the city are white British.
Britain’s current leaders have close ties with Obama and appear cut from the same cloth. In 2021, Obama started holding discussions with Sir Keir Starmer and Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy on how to defeat Conservatives. Lammy, now the UK’s foreign secretary under Starmer, has known Obama for 20 years and shares many of his views. In September 2023, Starmer told Politico’s Power Play podcast that Obama was the U.S. president he spoke to “most frequently” and said he “helps me think about how we might approach some of the decisions we might have to take if we do win that election.”
This past March, Obama visited Starmer. On July 4, Starmer’s Labour Party won a supermajority in Parliament. Business Insider partially credited Mr. Obama for Starmer’s victory.
It was just weeks later that Britain’s immigration problem exploded in violence. The British expressed profound frustration over the nation’s worsening two-tiered justice system: The Starmer government arrested concerned citizens who shared “hateful” content online—while Muslims roamed the streets with machetes.
To Canada: More Diversity!
Prime Minister Starmer is also friends with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, another close confidant of Obama’s. Together they are building a web of radical politicians governing these English-speaking nations.
The Canadian government states that “racial tensions have existed in Canada since it was colonized” and that “various racial, religious and sexual minority groups in Canada are increasingly experiencing hate crimes.” The government’s solution is simple: more diversity.
Canada’s multiculturalist policies started in the 1970s with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. They greatly expanded in 2015 under his son Justin Trudeau, who declared Canada to be the “first post-national state” and said, “[T]here is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.” This was a clear rejection of ties to the British crown, traditional religious values, national history and culture—and it was encouraged by Obama.
To get Justin Trudeau elected, his chief adviser worked with the campaign team of Barack Obama to establish an “Obama pattern” of elections. Ever since, this pattern has helped put leftists in power around the world. Barack Obama publicly endorsed Trudeau, met with him repeatedly once he was in power, and continue his support even after leaving the White House. Mr. Flurry wrote in our September issue, “With China’s help—and especially with the help of Satan’s power—Obama has helped to make Trudeau dictator of Canada.”
One of the most notable ways Trudeau continues Obama’s legacy is through his immigration policy. In 2016, Obama gave a speech to the Canadian Parliament, where again and again, he implored them to embrace diversity—from “reconciling” with Canada’s First Nations to migrants from around the world to Canada’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Watch this speech or read a transcript, and you will better understand that country’s soaring immigration numbers. But the more diversity Canada embraces, the more clashes it invites—most recently between Canada’s lgbt people and its Muslim immigrants.
Again and again, Obama pleaded with Parliament: “When refugees escape barrel bombs and torture, and migrants cross deserts and seas seeking a better life, we cannot simply look the other way. We certainly can’t label as possible terrorists vulnerable people who are fleeing terrorists.” He ended his speech by stating, “How fortunate, how privileged we are to have the opportunity to now, ourselves, build this world anew.” The truth is that to build anew, you have to tear down the old.
In the years since, Canada has imported an enormous number of refugees and other migrants. In 2022 alone, Canada’s population jumped by over a million. In just three months from July to September last year, it jumped by 430,000. Ninety-six percent of this growth came from immigration.
To Australia: Open Your Borders!
Obama’s reverse-colonization agenda has also been active in Australia.
Speaking to the Australian Parliament in 2011, Obama stated: “I want to acknowledge the original inhabitants of this land, and one of the world’s oldest continuous cultures, the First Australians.” He later added, “It’s the spirit of progress in America which allows me to stand before you today, as president of the United States. And it’s the spirit I’ll see later today when I become the first U.S. president to visit the Northern Territory, where I’ll meet the Traditional Owners of the Land.”
Mr. Obama put Australia’s colonial past at center stage, then implored the parliamentarians to atone for their past by opening their borders. “[W]e are citizens who live by a common creed: No matter who you are, no matter what you look like, everyone deserves a fair chance; everyone deserves a fair go. Of course, progress in our society has not always come without tensions, or struggles to overcome a painful past.” He credited the “spirit of progress” when stating, “It’s why the people took to the streets—from Delhi to Seoul, from Manila to Jakarta—to throw off colonialism and dictatorship and build some of the world’s largest democracies.”
After leaving office, Obama visited Sydney in 2018 to meet again with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Last year, he visited again to meet with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese—and soon after that meeting, about 400,000 immigrants flooded the country. Australia has only 25 million people; a proportional influx into the U.S. would be 5.4 million migrants. And the numbers are only going up.
Such “coincidences” surrounding the former president are so common that American Thinker wrote: “Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president.”
The International Organization for Migration, largely enabled by Obama, offers special help for migrants to Australia. The organization’s website says the iom “has a unique package for migrants resettling to Australia that offers a wide range of assistance. It includes special airfares with enhanced conditions and interest-free loans available for covering ticket costs for the Global Special Humanitarian visa holders.”
An Attack on the Empire
Mr. Flurry has compared Barack Obama with Antiochus iv Epiphanes, a Seleucid king who obtained rule in Palestine in 176 b.c. through deceit and flattery. This man sought to destroy all that Judah stood for. Many Bible commentators recognize that Daniel 8 revolves around this Antiochus, but they fail to understand that the prophecy is dual and primarily for the end time.
The Bible reveals that in the “latter days,” an Antiochus-type would rise and seek to eradicate “the name of Israel” (2 Kings 14:26-27). “Israel” in biblical prophecy refers to the modern nations of Britain and America. (Request a free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.)
Genesis 49 prophesies that Joseph would be “a fruitful bough that runs over the wall.” This is a picture of Britain and America as colonizing peoples. As Mr. Armstrong explained, “Beginning in 1800 these two little nations began to sprout and to grow into vast national riches and power such as no people ever possessed. Soon Britain’s Empire spread around the world, until the sun never set upon her possessions. Canada, Australia and South Africa were given dominion status—made free and independent nations, ruling themselves independent of England—a company, or commonwealth of nations joined together, not by legal government but solely by the throne of David!”
Just as America and Britain descended from ancient Israel, the British throne has been, until recently, the continuation of the royal throne of David.
The Bible shows that it was by God’s design that the British Empire rose to power.
Modern-day Britain, however, has refused to be the examplary nation that God wanted it to be. Thus, Hosea 7:9 prophesies, “Strangers have devoured his strength.” Instead of seeking God and exporting His culture, Britain has mixed itself with the cultures of this world, a world deeply influenced and deceived by the devil (2 Corinthians 4:4).
The Bible also exposes the unseen spiritual cause for this hatred toward “the name of Israel.” The ultimate source is Satan the devil, who has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the author of the unique hatred in the world toward the British Empire.
While God won’t allow Satan to blot out Israel, He will use the coming suffering to lead them to repentance. While the Bible specifically reveals that a civil war is imminent, it also reveals that God is ultimately in control.
Migrant Soldiers
Following the riots in Britain, Elon Musk warned that civil war would be “inevitable.” The British government and media greatly criticized him for this statement. But the tensions caused by the flood of foreigners into these countries are growing steadily, and some politicians are actively encouraging them.
The greatest danger in large influxes of migrants has nothing to do with skin color or nationality but with dangerous ideologies. Radical Islam is an example. The Islamic text of the Koran views Muslims in opposition to Jewish and Christian neighbors. Instead of promoting peace, this text has been used by radical preachers to stir hatred. While terrorists’ motivations may vary, many see themselves in a military campaign for a religious quest. Anyone can see that importing people who hate Western culture and religion will lead to tension at best, violent clashes at worst.
A disproportionate number of migrants entering the English-speaking countries are military-age, single men—men who are ready to fight. Unbeknownst to Musk and others, Barack Obama plans to use these men to stir up the “inevitable.”
In that Trumpet article last month, Mr. Flurry wrote: “Millions are pouring over the borders of Australia, Canada, Britain and the United States. And so many of them are young, fit, military-age males from all over the world, including enemy nations of America, like China! These aliens are attacking America by trafficking drugs, smuggling children and sex slaves, perpetrating rape and murder. Many conservatives believe the plan is to make Democrat voters out of all these illegal immigrants. But Obama has another plan: to bring in soldiers who can sow division, violence, confusion, terrorism, race war and civil war in America, as well as these other nations! That is the known plan of the Communists, and many of those helping him are Communist.”
Obama has a history of community organizing—and links to the Black Lives Matter protests, the Free Palestine protests and others that have turned violent and fundamentally changed our society. Through the Obama Foundation, he inspires worldwide “protests for equality and justice.”
The outcome has been prophesied.
Addressing the modern descendants of Israel, Ezekiel 5:12 reveals: “A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee ….” This is part of the “great tribulation” that Jesus Christ prophesied of in Matthew 24:21.
Mr. Flurry explains in his free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet: “The word pestilence just means destruction or death …. One definition of the root word is ‘to lay snares, to plot against, to destroy.’ So this pestilence could be a plague of violence or burning—not necessarily a physical disease at all!”
Current trends are laying the foundation for the fulfillment of this horrifying prophecy. Cities across America, Australia, Britain, Canada and South Africa are about to go up in flames.
Many modern protest movements are stirred up over social media, enhanced by algorithms that promote them. As explained in America Under Attack, Obama used social media to stir the Arab Spring. He also advises the White House and business and global leaders about artificial intelligence—a tool, coupled with social media, that can be used to further radicalize and mobilize people online. The trigger for widespread unrest is more or less in his hands.
The Bible reveals that outside forces will seek to finish what Obama has started. Mr. Flurry explains: “As the economy grows worse, besieged by foreign powers, the rioters will burn more and more—because God’s wrath is upon us!” Tragically, these hatreds are prophesied to explode into the deadliest civil war in history.
Witnessing the internal division and strife within the English-speaking peoples, foreign powers are about to exploit the anarchy. They will enflame and exacerbate the riots and burning.
We must not forget that these events will occur because God’s wrath is upon us! His punishment is precisely measured to bring our world to repentance!
It was God who gave the blessings our nations have enjoyed, in order to keep His promises to Abraham and his descendants. It was because of God’s mercy that the world has enjoyed relative peace brought about by the American and British peoples. And it will be God once again who brings everlasting peace. Only He can do that!
God has a marvelous future for those willing to heed His message. He wants to bring far greater blessings to the world than the British Empire ever enjoyed. He will solve the world’s injustices and unite nations and races under one world government, set up by Jesus Christ.
We do not need more human beings trying to solve the world’s injustices. What we need is God’s divine intervention. Thankfully, God’s coming everlasting rule is sure! (Isaiah 9:6-7).