Why You Need the Trumpet

Why You Need the Trumpet
World events are moving with bewildering speed. In a noisy, distracted world, far too many people are simply tuning out. This is a dangerous mistake. Events in far-flung nations are going to overtake us and utterly alter the lives of every person on Earth! You must watch—and watch with understanding.
The Trumpet is here to help you. This is our 34th anniversary issue. For 34 years we have helped our readers make sense of events. “Understand your world” is one of our slogans. The issue you are holding illustrates this powerfully. It covers an astonishing array of prophetically significant events unfolding in your world right now. And even more astonishing: The Trumpet has been forecasting all of these for years—even decades.
Our forecasts are based on biblical prophecy. Most people would dismiss if not ridicule us for this. But in taking this approach, we have accurately forecast real-world events and trends unfolding in America; in Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East; in Germany, France, Britain, the Balkans and all over Europe; in Russia, China, Japan, India and across Asia; and in Latin America and Africa. We have prophesied developments in politics, economics, society, education and science—years in advance. We have a 34-year archive and a proven track record!
This is irrefutable evidence of the fact that God has supplied mankind with “a more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19) and that He inspired one third of the Holy Bible to be prophecy because He wants us to understand it and take warning from it.
Consider examples from just this single issue of the Trumpet, which shows how some of the Bible’s most crucial end-time prophecies are being fulfilled right now.
Our cover story (page 2) is about the astonishing development of Iran using the Red Sea as a weapon against Europe. Terrorist attacks in this vital sea gate shut down shipping overnight. The attacks were committed by the Houthis, a group sponsored and directed by Iran. Longtime Trumpet readers will remember that I have warned Iran would do this very thing for years. Nine years ago, I discussed it in a booklet with a chapter titled “Iran Gets a Stranglehold on the Middle East.” It revealed Iran’s strategy to control the Red Sea and explained how it would weaponize this, based on prophecies that describe “the king of the south” pushing and provoking a war with Europe. The world has now been shown a vivid preview of how quickly this conflict will escalate!
Another startling development about Iran is covered in our article on page 24. The headline “Is Iraq About to Fall to Iran?” first appeared in the Trumpet’s December 1994 issue. This was based on prophecies in Daniel 11 and Psalm 83, nearly a decade before an America-led coalition brought down Saddam Hussein and opened the door for Iran. Now we see that it is indeed overtaking its formerly powerful western neighbor, just as the Bible foretold.
In “The Jewish State’s Deadly Wound” (page 5), you will read about how Israel’s war against Hamas is hastening the fulfillment of a chilling revelation by the Prophet Hosea. You can also learn about this in a booklet I first published back in 2001: Jerusalem in Prophecy.
“Watch This Man Closely” (page 10) explains one of the Bible’s most pivotal prophecies about a German leader who will hijack the entire European project. It explains how we have already seen this prophecy fulfilled in type in recent years. Understanding this truth unlocks a number of events not only in Europe but also in America. You will learn still more about Germany in “Poland Under Attack” (page 15). It explains how Germany is taking over Europe, and it points to the Bible’s prophecies of how this nation is leading the Continent into world war. These are prophecies that the Plain Truth, the predecessor of the Trumpet, focused on when Herbert W. Armstrong first established it—in 1934! You can read about Mr. Armstrong in my article on page 5, and in the sidebar “‘May Be of God’s Designing’” on page 13.
This issue also has features (pages 18 and 20) on the attack on the United States, which I explain in detail in my book America Under Attack (first published in 2013). This too is deeply prophetic and tied directly to the diabolical trend I write about on page 10.
The guidance of biblical prophecy enables you to distinguish important news from insignificant and to make sense of otherwise bewildering events. This is what the Trumpet provides you. We break down events and open them to your understanding. And it costs you nothing. We don’t charge for this magazine because Jesus Christ said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”
What makes this study exhilarating is how it points to the active involvement of the God who inspired these prophecies. These events are fulfilling prophecy outlined thousands of years ago in Scripture. Only one power in the universe can, as Isaiah 46:10 says, declare “the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand ….” Coming to see this truth will help you get to know the true God!