Key of David

Ezekiel and the Little Book

Passages in the biblical books of Revelation and Ezekiel are remarkably similar. Understand why both messages discuss a “little book,” a hard punishment, and a glorious future.

Offered on this program

A ‘little book’ is discussed in Revelation 10. There have been many theories about what it is. God has finally revealed the truth about this little book!

This is a story about God’s Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.

The Prophet Ezekiel will have lived in vain if God’s true Church doesn’t proclaim his message today! The book of Ezekiel is clearly an end-time message. It reveals specific prophetic events that are happening right now in the United States, Britain and many other English-speaking nations. Ezekiel also reveals that these nations are headed for the worst crisis ever known. But it is all a part of God’s master plan to usher in the wonderful Kingdom of God. Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of Ezekiel in a general way for many years. But now, for the first time, they are fully revealed to you through this exciting book.

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