Key of David

The War Against God’s Mystery

God is the Revealer of secrets. The mystery of His truth is understood by only a tiny few. Why is God’s inspiring mystery always under attack by an evil archenemy?

Offered on this program

The book of Colossians ties in directly with Revelation 3 and the Laodicean era. The Apostle Paul was in jail, absent from the problems that were beginning to creep into the Church in the first century.
Today, Herbert W. Armstrong is dead, absent from the problems that have steadily increased in the very Church God founded through him. God removed both of those leaders for a very important reason. He wanted to see what we would do individually when a strong spiritual leader is removed. In other words, God wanted to see how well we could follow our true Leader—Jesus Christ!

The commission God has given to His Church in this age may even be beyond what our human minds can fully comprehend at this time! The mystery of God has to be declared today. But this work is also to teach all humanity that the mystery must be dispensed, or declared, to every person ever created. They must be taught not just the mystery, but taught to teach it. Why? Is it possible God will keep expanding His Family throughout the universe forever?

Revelation is the most misunderstood book in the Bible! People of the world see it as the blackest kind of disaster—which they foolishly bring upon themselves. But the focus of this book is on the royal rule of God’s Family. And that includes you. Every person on this Earth is given this opportunity. What makes this book so electrifying is that most of it is being fulfilled right now!

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