Wake Up to the Threat From China

Wake Up to the Threat From China
“China is going to eat our lunch? C’mon man,” Joe Biden said while he was campaigning for America’s presidency, ridiculing statements from Donald Trump. “They’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”
Particularly since the national election on Nov. 3, 2o2o, reports exposing the dangerous naivety of this statement have been descending in a deluge. And many of them suggest not only that Joe Biden knew better, but that his blindness to the threat from China is willful, rooted not in compassion but in compromise and corruption.
“All warfare is based on deception,” wrote famed Chinese general Sun Tzu. “Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” It seems Sun’s modern Chinese disciples are carrying out his war stratagems with stunning success. Emerging facts are exposing realities that sound like conspiracy theories—realities about the deceptive activities of Communist China aimed at breaking its enemies’ resistance without fighting.
China’s ambition to dominate the globe is becoming clearer all the time. In many ways this has hardly been a secret. Its Belt and Road Initiative and its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are designed to challenge and replace America’s central role in the world economy. Its “debt-trap diplomacy” has given it leverage over a string of nations across continents. Beijing is militarizing the South China Sea and seizing strategic choke points worldwide. Nations across Asia are nervously working to accommodate China as they recognize that it has supplanted the U.S. as the region’s dominant power.
Recent reports, however, expose China’s achievements in matching these overt actions with covert operations. They expose how members of the Chinese Communist Party have surreptitiously infiltrated foreign entities, working in academia, major corporations and governments around the world. They reveal Chinese spies seducing high-placed government officials with money and sex. They show American federal representatives using their entrusted power for political, personal and financial benefit. They show election interference and literal election hacking. And all this against the backdrop of a world-changing virus unleashed on the world from China.
That this nation would aggressively target the world’s dominant superpower should not surprise us. But the extent of its success, and the fact that America has not only allowed it but seems unconcerned, is appalling. In fact, viewed in the context of biblical prophecy, it is a potent symbol of nothing less than a historic global shift occurring before our eyes: the end of the Anglo-American era, and the beginning of a short, dark period that will mark the final years of the age of man.
Remarkably, most people remain asleep to this issue. This is largely because many elites in politics, media, business and technology—including Joe Biden—have prioritized personal interests over the interests of their country. They have been bought off by China.
In addition to the prophetic trends this highlights, it also contains a larger lesson—a profound truth about our human nature and our need for God.
A group of Chinese who oppose the Chinese Communist Party (ccp) regime hacked a server in Shanghai and in December 2020 exposed the identities and details of nearly 2 million members of the party, and of some 79,000 Communist Party branches. The leak unmasked Communists working in sensitive and powerful positions in business, technology, prestige media, defense and politics around the globe. They work inside major companies like Boeing, Volkswagen, hsbc, anz and others, as well as at least 10 consulates. AstraZeneca and Pfizer, both of which were working on covid vaccines, employ 123 ccp members.
“Beijing’s malign influence now stretches into almost every corner of British life, including defense firms, banks and pharmaceutical giants,” reported the Daily Mail. “Among them is a senior official at the British Consulate in Shanghai. Its headquarters is also home to intelligence officers from the UK security services” (Dec. 12, 2020).
The loyalties of these people are devoted not just to China but to the ideology, the party and the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party.
This revelation proves that the world is dealing with a determined, resourceful enemy, and that nations have been too casual about protecting themselves against espionage, intellectual property theft, and who knows what else these Communists are doing.
Tens of thousands of Communist Party branches. Millions of members. Positions in sensitive areas. This is what we are only now finding out. What else don’t we know?
And will even this be swept under the rug, dismissed or “debunked” by American media? Will American leaders and everyday Americans care enough to at least demand more information—let alone deal with it?
‘We Have People at the Top’
Di Dongsheng is an economics professor in Beijing and a liaison to China’s Communist Party. Speaking at a Nov. 28, 2020, event hosted by the Chinese nationalistic website Guan Video, this man dropped these bombshell statements: “The Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why between 1992 and 2016 did China and the U.S. used to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No matter what kind of crises we encountered … things were solved in no time. … We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends” (emphasis added throughout).
In other words, China’s ability to influence the U.S. government began with the administration of Bill Clinton in 1992. This “old friend” delivered China some big victories: He was America’s first president to publicly oppose the independence of Taiwan—a nation Beijing claims as part of China. He also granted Most Favored Nation trading status, effectively sending more than 3.7 million jobs from the U.S. to China. According to Di, China’s influence continued through the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama (and Joe Biden). It abruptly stopped with Donald Trump.
“To put it bluntly,” Di said, “for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States”—so this even predates Bill Clinton. “But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined—and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can’t fix Trump.” The regime of the ccp has been utilizing the core power of the United States. As we will see, President Trump’s opposition to China put him in opposition to the “core power of the United States”—America’s “China Class.”
“During the U.S.-China trade war, [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that; my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t do much,” Di continued. You read that right. Powerful Wall Street investors—the supposed embodiment of American capitalism—tried to aid the interests of the ccp against those of their own “America first” president. “But now, we’re seeing Biden was elected. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street …. You all heard that Trump said Biden’s son has securities companies all over the world. But who helped Biden’s son build his global companies? You understand? There are indeed buy-and-sell transactions involved in here.”
This clip was quickly deleted from Chinese social media, and you can see why. It would be difficult for China’s Communists to explain these statements. It would also be difficult for a Biden-Harris administration to explain how Joe Biden’s steady support of favorable treatment of China—which dates all the way back to when he helped the Clinton administration open trade with the Chinese regime—are not a function of his own family’s corruption.
The Bidens
Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he has “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” Evidence of the full extent of these dealings has been mounting—as has the impossibility of Joe Biden’s ignorance of them.
These include Hunter Biden’s 10 percent stake and a position as one of the nine directors of a Chinese private equity firm called bhr Partners. Though its name sounds American enough, its funding comes mostly from institutions owned by the Chinese government. Before the 2020 presidential elections, investor Tony Bobulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he was personally involved in an investment partnership with a Chinese government-linked company and not just Hunter Biden but also Jim Biden and Joe Biden. He said the arrangement included a $5 million loan to the Biden family. He also said one of the business partners told him to keep Joe Biden’s involvement secret.

Also before the election, on Sept. 23, 2020, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs released a report titled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.” Among its findings: Hunter Biden received $1 million from a former Hong Kong official; he received $5 million from a Chinese energy company tied to the ccp; and he received a 2.8-carat diamond from the company’s founder, Ye Jianming, whom he met on one of several trips to China under Secret Service protection while his father was vice president. Ye Jianming also did business with Jim Biden. E-mails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show he opened a line of credit with Ye’s associate the same day the Chinese energy company announced a $9.1 billion deal with a Russian government energy company. Another e-mail lists “the big guy” as a shareholder in the Chinese energy company deal, which some have identified as Joe Biden.
Information released on Sept. 5, 2020, by the Government Accountability Institute (gai) documents Hunter Biden’s involvement as a director for an investment firm in Shanghai, Bohai Harvest rst, which is involved in selling American technology to the Chinese military. When Hunter Biden was a director, Bohai bought American auto parts manufacturer Henniges. Since Henniges manufactures technology with military applications, the sale had to be approved, and was approved—by the administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
“[T]hese deals didn’t just make the Bidens money; they had potentially dangerous consequences for our national security,” noted Peter Schweizer, who made the gai’s documentary Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets. “Hunter quietly maintains an ownership stake in the firm, a stake worth millions of dollars, and stands to be worth even more as its China partnership prospers.”
It all brings chilling plausibility to Di Dongsheng’s claim that “at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends.”
When these “people at the top” are so willing to sacrifice national interests and even national security for personal enrichment, this opens up disastrous vulnerabilities. And China is keen to exploit them.
Given its frustrations over not being able to “fix” Donald Trump, would you not expect China to try to ensure he wouldn’t achieve a second term? That it would work to secure victory for another of its “old friends”?
Election Hacking?
Last year, White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien warned that China was targeting U.S. election infrastructure with cyberattacks. Bloomberg News highlighted that Chinese hardware in U.S. voting machines was a threat to the nation. A Jan. 9, 2020, report, “Chinese Technology in Voting Machines Seen as Emerging Threat,” stated, “The infiltration by foreign countries like China into election voting equipment is emerging as a growing concern among vendors, who are actually asking for more federal regulation as they grapple with a lack of domestic suppliers producing critical technologies.”
Dominion Voting Systems is a company that supplied election machines used in 28 U.S. states, serving more than 40 percent of the American population. And it turns out this company has strong connections to China.
In testimony before Congress, Dominion chief executive John Poulos said his company’s voting machines were built with Chinese hardware “from the screen on the interface down to the chip component level.” Litigation Attorney Dana Jill Simpson alleged that Flex China manufactured Dominion machines in cooperation with Huawei Technologies, a state-supported Chinese firm that has been accused of enabling surveillance by Beijing.
Though Dominion is headquartered in Canada, it is majority-owned by Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm in New York City. Just a month before the election, this firm received $400 million from ubs Securities, a Swiss investment bank partially owned by the Chinese government. “An ntd tv report on December 5 showed that three board members of ubs Securities llc appeared to be Chinese, including Luo Qiang, Ye Xiang and Mu Lina, according to the company’s profile page on Bloomberg,” the Epoch Times reported. “Later, these names were taken down from the profile page, raising questions about whether the company made changes following media reports” (Dec. 15, 2020). ubs has refused to answer questions about these board members, and Dominion has deleted the LinkedIn accounts of one third of its employees.
This company’s troubling connections are deadly serious. “China poses a greater national security threat to the U.S. than any other nation—economically, militarily, and technologically. That includes threats of election influence and interference,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has said.
Considering China’s intentions and its track record, Americans should assume the worst and investigate accordingly. Remarkably, however, only a small minority seem concerned. Despite considerable evidence of irregularities, lawbreaking, tampering and hacking, the pressure and intimidation to simply move on and accept the election results is overwhelming. Many influential Americans are more concerned about a second Trump term than about election hacking from China.
Exiled Chinese dissident Guo Wengui, a former business tycoon, has said China has an overarching strategy for world domination known as “bgy,” initials for Blue (control the Internet), Gold (buy influence with money), and Yellow (seduce key people with sex). He says the plan is “to ruin the U.S. and to assure that China controls the world” (myanniu.com, Oct. 5, 2017).
The credibility of these explosive claims was certainly strengthened by the Hunter Biden revelations. It has been further reinforced by reports of literal spies from the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of State Security snuggling up with some of the nation’s top leaders.
China’s Ministry of State Security has a unit devoted solely to political infiltration, influence and intelligence operations in California. Not only does California boast America’s largest state population and biggest economy, it is dominated by the Bay Area and Silicon Valley, which are dominated by Democrat politicians. The Blue, Gold and Yellow strands of China’s strategy coalesce here in a commanding way.
Two years ago it was shown that a staff member of the chair of Senate Intelligence Committee, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, was a Chinese spy. For two decades, Russell Lowe was office director in Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco office and served as her California liaison to the Asian-American community. This man was a known Chinese activist, having participated in Maoist-leaning, far-left organizations very influential in San Francisco politics. One of these, Chinese for Affirmative Action, “worked with other Maoist-influenced groups such as the Chinese Progressive Association to push the Beijing line in Chinatown,” the Epoch Times reported. “Together, they helped to marginalize Chinatown’s once-dominant anti-Communist leadership to the point that San Francisco’s Chinese community is now reliably pro-China, along with much of San Francisco’s non-Chinese political leadership, including Feinstein” (Aug. 20, 2018).

In December 2020, it emerged that California Congressman Eric Swalwell, another House Intelligence Committee member, had been targeted by a woman known as Christine Fang. This woman had placed at least one intern in Swalwell’s office and developed a personal relationship with him. She was also an operative of Chinese State Security, deployed for years as an undercover agent in the U.S.
So, these Chinese spies are befriending members of the House Intelligence Committee. Imagine the reaction of Democrats and the media if these congressmen were Republicans! But they are Democrats. What was Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to people demanding that Swalwell be stripped of access to American intelligence?
“I don’t have any concern about Mr. Swalwell.”
No concern. That is the general response to all evidence of Chinese espionage and infiltration. Why? The Center for Strategic Studies has assembled a list of 147 publicly reported instances of Chinese espionage against the U.S. in the past decade. Why is this not a matter of urgent national interest? Government data shows that about 30 percent of foreign students in the U.S. are Chinese nationals—about 340,000 of them. These students pay full tuition, so universities are addicted to the income stream. Yet intelligence officials say this pool has provided many spy recruits for China. Why such carelessness over something so potentially ruinous?
Why are Democrats, the news media, tech giants and so many others in lockstep with each other—and, largely, with China’s Communist Party? What else don’t we know—yet—about China’s infiltration on the national stage?
John Ratcliff, who has access to more intelligence than any member of the government besides the president, says the problem is even worse than it looks.
America’s China Class
In a Dec. 3, 2020, Wall Street Journal opinion editorial, Ratcliffe wrote: “If I could communicate one thing to the American people from this unique vantage point, it is that the People’s Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War ii. The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically.”
This is China’s goal! And it doesn’t take a pile of classified reports to see it.
Reacting to news of Chinese spying, Sen. Josh Hawley said, “[W]e’ve seen the Washington politicians and the D.C. establishment look the other way with China for years and years now. … It’s not as if they haven’t known that the Chinese has enacted espionage efforts against the U.S. It is known they are using tech companies to spy on Americans, trying to leverage that information against us. It’s not as if they haven’t known that the trade policies and other economic policies that we pursue with China have been ruinous for American workers. They’ve known all of that. They just don’t care. D.C. doesn’t care and they still don’t care.”
This is a devastating observation, but tragically true: Top politicians, journalists, tech executives, businessmen, professors, actors and even professional athletes routinely take the same effectively pro-Communist view. It’s a measure of the success of China’s strategies—using Americans’ own greed, selfishness and short-sightedness against them.
These efforts have created what analyst Lee Smith terms “America’s China Class”—a swath of elites beholden in one way or another to Chinese money and influence. And they, like Di Dongsheng, are eager to clear the obstacle to relations with China—a president who has effectively revolted against a “deep state” that is betraying America’s interests to foreign powers like China—by ensuring “old friends” are back in power.
“America’s China Class, which owns the platforms on which Americans communicate, has waged a relentless campaign of information warfare against [President Trump] through its social media and prestige media brands,” Smith wrote for Tablet. These elites are flooding news and social media with disinformation “to protect their core interests—foremost among them being cheap Chinese labor and access to Chinese markets. … American political and corporate elites didn’t choose decline. They chose to get rich. By shipping America’s manufacturing base off to China, they seized a business opportunity the likes of which had never been seen before—an enormous captive labor force controlled by an authoritarian regime that guaranteed the steady production of goods at a fraction of what it would cost at home” (Sept. 15, 2020).
When you’re only concerned with money, doing deals with China is the opportunity of a lifetime. There is no other nation so large, with a labor force so subjugated. It is China’s competitive advantage.
This is why big-time companies like the nba are willing to censor and fire their employees for criticizing China. Two years ago, an employee running the Marriott International Twitter account “liked” a tweet from a Tibetan separatist group that had praised Marriott for listing Tibet as a country separate from China. The Chinese government responded by blocking Marriott’s website and mobile app for a week. Marriott snapped back in line, publishing a groveling apology and firing the employee—for a mouse click.
Most American entertainment and movie companies preemptively censor themselves to ensure their output will be approved by Chinese Communist censors. After all, a failure to appease them shuts out a billion potential customers. Disney even filmed a movie in Xinjiang, the province where China is imprisoning Uyghur Muslims on a mass scale. The collaboration with Beijing was so intimate, the movie’s credits thanked eight Chinese government organizations, including one blacklisted by the U.S. government for its role in abusing the Uyghurs.
Incidentally, the Hollywood Reporter says Disney’s ceo at the time, Bob Iger, is at the top of Joe Biden’s wish list for a key ambassador post, possibly to China.
Amos’s Warning
Many, many of these elites are only concerned with money. But some are concerned with ideology too—and they find socialism and communism attractive. It’s trendy to self-righteously decry slavery in America from hundreds of years ago—and care nothing about your shoes being made by virtual and actual slave labor in China. “American cultural elites (Hollywood, sports, art, etc.) who exploited the increasingly large Chinese market for their products provided cover for the China Class cohort with messaging that dovetailed with ccp propaganda,” Smith continued. “Who were Americans to judge a great and ancient civilization like China’s for jailing dissidents and enslaving the Uyghur minority? Doesn’t America have its own history of slavery and political prisoners? It’s racist to protect American jobs. Those jobs aren’t coming back and there is nothing to be done about it, as Barack Obama famously said …” (ibid).
This development is not only disastrous—it is deeply shameful because it was made possible by Americans’ own corruptibility. And not just among a small cadre of leaders. True, Americans don’t force their leaders to prostitute themselves to big corporations for money, to engage in overseas business dealings, to take bribes, to sell out American foreign policy, to use their power for personal gain. But we have allowed it. Our weak moral character has allowed it.
Like our ancestors in the Bible, America is fatally weakened not by bullets and bombs, but by sin.
Anciently, during the time of the Israelite King Jeroboam ii, the Prophet Amos condemned greedy leaders who prioritized selfish interests and enriched themselves while afflicting the people of Israel (Amos 6:1-6). These people “put far away the evil day”—acting as if their lavish lifestyle would last forever and ignoring threats to the nation. God warned through the Prophet Amos that the Assyrians would invade, and that these people would be the first to be taken captive!
Today, this same attitude infects America—especially among the political class that is selling America’s industrial might and resource wealth to foreign nations for profit. Blinded by greed, they ignore threats to the nation. President Trump has worked to check the political establishment and to fight for America’s interests. But his campaign to make America great again will be short-lived if Americans fail to repent of the sins that brought the nation to this point.
As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has explained, President Trump is an end-time King Jeroboam ii. Like that ancient king, God is using him to temporarily save the nation from destruction (2 Kings 14:27)—just as God warns, “I will not again pass by them any more” (Amos 7:8). This is America’s last chance to repent. That is why God is ensuring so much governmental corruption is exposed: He is trying to awaken people to the evil around us—and to the pitiable fragility of our sinful society and civilization—to prod us to repentance!
‘Times of the Gentiles’
The Americans and the British are descendants of ancient Israel. This means that end-time Bible prophecies about Israel primarily apply to the U.S. and Britain today. Those prophecies clearly show that the peak of our power has passed, and that our destruction looms.
Decades ago—even before the U.S. established diplomatic relations with Communist China in 1979—the late Herbert W. Armstrong warned that an important factor that would strip America of its historically unprecedented, God-given blessings was its infiltration by Communist forces. “We are not fighting a single nation in a military war, but a gigantic, worldwide, plain-clothes army, masquerading as a political party, seeking to conquer the world with an entirely new kind of warfare!” he wrote in 1956. “It’s a kind of warfare we don’t understand or know how to cope with. It uses every diabolical means to weaken us from within, sapping our strength, perverting our morals, sabotaging our educational system, wrecking our social structure, destroying our spiritual and religious life, weakening our industrial and economic power, demoralizing our armed forces, and finally, after such infiltration, overthrowing our government by force and violence! All this cleverly disguised as a harmless political party!”
Mr. Armstrong’s warning focused on Communist Russia’s demoralization efforts. In the years since, many of these efforts have been carried out by Russia’s Communist ally China, which has further expanded its attacks against America’s industrial and economic power. Still, Mr. Armstrong’s warnings about the dangers of communism proved correct. He identified exactly how communism operates, and America has been victimized by its success. (Request our free booklet He Was Right and read the chapter titled “The Communist Infiltration of America Was Prophesied.”)

God repeatedly warned Israel against forsaking His law and looking to foreigners for prosperity, protection and guidance. Isaiah 2:6, for example, says that God “hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.” America has committed the same sin. Rather than trusting God to bless and defend them, our people have recognized and traded with Communist dictatorships and even invited Communist professors from China and other nations to teach generations of young Americans and Britons. This has corrupted our youth, sapped our economy, and fatally weakened our nation. Americans’ own naivety, greed and disloyalty have made us fatally vulnerable to sabotage by foreign nations.
We must look up from our Chinese-made gadgets and see this reality! “Surely if we stop and think about this, with China doing all that and making all these deals and paying all that money, what is their goal? What is their ambition?” Mr. Flurry asked in a Key of David program. “Surely we must see a strong motivation there to take over the world, to conquer the world, and some of the Chinese leaders will even tell you that” (“Times of the Gentiles,” March 20, 2018).
The title of that television program points to the prophecy whose early fulfillment we are now witnessing. With America’s dominance ending, the world is entering what Jesus Christ called “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). This is a dark, violent period when non-Israelite nations rule the world.
The Bible prophesies that one of these dominant powers will be an Asian super-alliance headed by Russia and China. The other primary one will be a brutal European power, a resurrection of the medieval Holy Roman Empire.
Prophecy forecasts that these two superpowers will temporarily work together to bring America down! Isaiah 23:3 describes a “mart of nations” that will control world trade and will freeze out America and other Israelite nations (including Britain, Israel and other English-speaking nations). America will already be weak, riven with internal division and turbulence, making this economic siege far more devastating.
‘Tidings Out of the East’
The detail in the Bible’s prophecies about “the times of the Gentiles” is stunning. Daniel 11 specifies that the European superpower (“the king of the north”) will destroy a radical Islamic power (“the king of the south”) and thrash its way through the Middle East. Then, this: “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many” (verse 44).
“The king of the north—the Holy Roman emperor—will hear troubling tidings from the east and north,” we write in our booklet Russia and China in Prophecy. “These tidings come after the king of the south has been destroyed. They come from the Asian axis! The Holy Roman emperor will be disturbed about what the Russians and Chinese are doing.
“Before this, when the Tribulation began, this emperor was cooperating with the Russians and the Chinese to besiege the Anglo-Saxon nations economically. But perhaps he hears rumors that the Asian axis is planning to invade North America and conquer it for its own. … Regardless of what the exact tidings are, the Bible is clear that it will be the Holy Roman Empire that single-handedly invades North America. And this passage is clear that these tidings will provoke the emperor to go forth with great fury to destroy!”
It’s a modern version of Israel being conquered by Assyria, modern-day Germany! The destruction will be horrific, and the survivors will be enslaved.
And it all may be triggered by China’s success in weakening America, besieging it and preparing to attack it outright.
Under a Biden-Harris administration, America’s China Class would run rampant, and the nation’s last remaining strength would disappear rapidly. But right now, the man whom China cannot “fix” is holding it back—as also prophesied in the Bible. God gives our nations specific prophecies about our weaknesses, our sins and the consequences. God will even use a bold leader like President Trump to save America—though only temporarily for the purpose of doing His work, warning the nation and the world, and giving readers like you the opportunity to repent and turn to Him!
See the reality around you! Heed the warnings of prophecy! And take hope: The same Bible that shows us what human nature really is and how to repent of it and that prophesies in detail the consequences of our decisions also prophesies that these terrible events will occur just before the one and only event that can wipe away our corrupted human governments and corrupted human nature: the return of Jesus Christ!