By Gerald Flurry • November 24, 2017
Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy that Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?
The book of Revelation is a mystery to most people. Few understand that the Old Testament book of Daniel is the key to comprehending the mysterious book of Revelation. Daniel continually realized that God was his judge and therefore refused to compromise, regardless of the trial he found himself in. It is only to someone with that kind of an attitude that God can reveal the spiritual understanding to unlock
His incredible revelation.
The Holy Roman Empire has made pivotal and defining contributions to Western civilization—but its many reincarnations have also come with painful and catastrophic consequences. Today European leaders aim to unite the fractured continent of Europe by reviving the legacy of this extraordinary church-state combine. One of the great lessons of this empire is that it always comes back. There is always another resurrection. The Holy Roman Empire is not just a relic of history. It is about to play a central role in world events. A study into the nature and character of this towering institution reveals as much about the future as it does the past.
The Lost Century of God’s one true Church occurred from 70-170 A.D. The Apostle John is the only one to record this crucial history.
Israel was on the verge of permanently obliterating Hamas—until the United States intervened to save the terrorists from destruction. Understand how President Donald Trump betrayed Israel and caused the Jews to lose the war.
California has just suffered its worst fire ever. Why? Some are blaming climate change—but your Bible pinpoints a very different culprit. Understand the unseen spiritual cause of the many California ‘natural’ disasters.
The life and work of Herbert W. Armstrong provide a vivid testament of his deep faith in God.
Donald Trump wants to take back the Panama Canal. His recent comments have brought renewed attention to this outstanding sea gate. Understand why America built the Panama Canal, why we gave it away to Panama, and how this terrible decision will soon cost our nation dearly.
The Apostle John saw a vision of God and Christ in full glory. Understand how this awesome vision changed John’s life—and how it can change your life too.
The whole world is astonished by the speedy collapse of the Syrian dictatorship in 13 days, after 13 years of civil war. Understand how Germany’s backing of the rebels caused the collapse of the Syrian government—and uncover the sinister reason why Germany chose to intervene.