Key of David

The Key of David (2013)

Jesus Christ only gives one message to His Church in this end time, and that is the key of David message. This is the only message that He tells His very elect to deliver. The key of David message is one of the deepest truths in the entire Bible, and the more you understand it, the more it stirs your imagination and your inspiration for God’s Word.

Offered on this program

The Worldwide Church of God leader said it was his “Christian duty” to keep Herbert W. Armstrong’s writings out of print. But the Philadelphia Church of God now owns the copyrights to 19 books and booklets written by Mr. Armstrong. That is the magnificent court victory we have won.
God’s Work has been revived—as prophesied!
God gave us the victory even though the appeals court ruled against us! It is the most miraculous event since the Philadelphia Church began. Habakkuk prophesied that it would be a double-wonder miracle.
God’s message to the world could not have been delivered had we lost. The court battle tested the faith of God’s people. Most of them have failed that test. Conversely, the miraculous victory revealed who believes God enough to fight for and deliver His end-time message!

The fight to revive the legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong

God wants to share His rule on David’s throne with you forever. But that unparalleled reward will be given only to those who courageously support His Work today, preparing for the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Those kings and lords (or priests) under Christ will be the people who embrace the key of David vision—before Christ’s Second Coming. They will be given the highest positions that ever will be offered to any human beings. They will share David’s throne with Jesus Christ. Their rule, under the Father, will extend over the Earth and the universe forever. Those kings and priests will help the Father and Son bring billions of people into the royal Family of God, which will include most human beings who have ever lived. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!

KOD Program offered to viewers as a DVD

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