By Gerald Flurry • July 3, 2015
What has happened in former Yugoslavia over the past several years reaches far beyond the boundaries of that region. It is so shocking that the nations of this world would be paralyzed with fear if they truly understood! Shamefully, America is its chief architect.
Documentary of Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans offered to viewers as a DVD
The Lost Century of God’s one true Church occurred from 70-170 A.D. The Apostle John is the only one to record this crucial history.
Israel was on the verge of permanently obliterating Hamas—until the United States intervened to save the terrorists from destruction. Understand how President Donald Trump betrayed Israel and caused the Jews to lose the war.
California has just suffered its worst fire ever. Why? Some are blaming climate change—but your Bible pinpoints a very different culprit. Understand the unseen spiritual cause of the many California ‘natural’ disasters.
The life and work of Herbert W. Armstrong provide a vivid testament of his deep faith in God.
Donald Trump wants to take back the Panama Canal. His recent comments have brought renewed attention to this outstanding sea gate. Understand why America built the Panama Canal, why we gave it away to Panama, and how this terrible decision will soon cost our nation dearly.
The Apostle John saw a vision of God and Christ in full glory. Understand how this awesome vision changed John’s life—and how it can change your life too.
The whole world is astonished by the speedy collapse of the Syrian dictatorship in 13 days, after 13 years of civil war. Understand how Germany’s backing of the rebels caused the collapse of the Syrian government—and uncover the sinister reason why Germany chose to intervene.