Behind the Work

Behind the Work

God’s Work today is backed by a spiritual family of approximately 5,000 Philadelphia Church of God members and many more thousands of co-workers. The primary focus of a true Christian’s life is to contribute to the Work in any way possible, in the process preparing to teach the entire world in the near future. Tune in each Monday at 12 p.m. Central time for a behind-the-scenes look at the vibrant and exciting Work of the living God through interviews, feature stories, updates and statistical rundowns. With the help of the Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, you will also learn how the Work of God today relates to the spectacular, miraculous, five-decade work of the end-time Elijah.

Most of humanity is confined at home. Humans are social beings, which makes isolation highly unpleasant for most. Learn how to be overjoyed, not depressed, in isolation.

No, not the coronavirus.

Because government officials are responding to the current pandemic by shutting down businesses, a debate about which jobs are essential has begun. In some places, only essential workers are allowed to keep working. What is more essential than God’s Work? How can you make a difference for the sake of this chaotic, confused world?

Nehemiah was zealous to do God’s Work—and confident he would get results because he prayed constantly and instantly to God. We can learn from his example, especially when forces in society are slowing down God’s Work.

The late educator and theologian Herbert W. Armstrong’s successful business had suddenly collapsed—for the second time. To make things worse, his wife challenged him on the Sabbath, and a relative ridiculed him for not believing in evolution. Unlike most of us, Mr. Armstrong was actually willing to extensively prove all things—even if that meant 18-hour days of study for six months straight. To this day, we benefit from his passion for proving and teaching God’s truth.

One sure sign of where God is working today is the continual flow of new revelation. Learn how God miraculously fulfills prophecy by delivering revelation, and how this relates to our annual Robbers Cave excursion.

The late theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong faced a lot of trials in his younger years as God humbled him and brought him to conversion. When his advertising business collapsed, he directed his energies into helping his brother-in-law with a speech competition, then got back to work as a true salesman—benefitting all sides.

The most important way you can support God’s Work is through prayer. Learn how.

Learn about the engine of God’s Work. Hear a lovely song!