Key of David

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

You need to know where God dwells in spirit here on Earth.

These books of the Bible contain prophetic history, yet few study them and even fewer understand their significance for today.

Immediately after creating the first man, God taught him about the two trees.

Why has science proven so powerless against the quandaries of selfishness, hatred and violence?

The first visible sign of this prophecy has now been manifested in the little Mediterranean country of Lebanon in the Middle East.

The financial crisis in Greece is a small example of what will happen in America and Britain.

Does the Iranian nuclear deal make the world safer? The nations hope it will curb Iran’s radical ambitions, but they are ignoring the lessons of history.

Charleston citizens reacted admirably to the June massacre of nine churchgoers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his actions in Crimea are no different than the West’s actions in Yugoslavia in the ’90s.