Behind the Greek Referendum
Analysts struggle to find an explanation for Prime Minister George Papandreau’s decision to spring a surprise referendum on the Grecian electorate seeking their voice on the Greek bailout plan.
The one thing we at the Trumpet have learned over more than two decades of observing the European project is that seldom is anything really what it seems. For the real news behind the news, one has to search for the string-pullers behind the political puppets. This is certainly the case in respect of the Greek fiasco.
In explaining just what is happening in Europe today and how it got into its present state of crisis, one needs to search for those shadowy figures whom we often refer to as the “European elites.” Unlike conspiracy theorists who develop pet theories to support their own agendas, the Trumpet begins with the biblically prophesied end of the story and traces the story back to its beginning through the best available sources of documented history and intelligence to which we have access.
Thus it is that when we read the announcement of the Greek referendum, we realized that something was not ringing true. With the huge pressure that Prime Minister Papandreau has been put under by EU technocrats, to the point of yielding up Greek national sovereignty to the dictates of the troika (imf, ec and ecb), led by the EU, there’s simply no way that he would have called such a referendum without some input from his real masters in Berlin and Brussels.
So who is really pulling the strings here in a situation that seems to have sent a shock wave through global stock markets?
Due to our knowledge of the history of the development of the European Union, built up over decades of close analysis in the light of inerrant Bible prophecy, we are led to consider one EU puppet master in particular in relation to current events in Greece—Germany.
Two years ago, our editor in chief wrote an article titled “Did the Holy Roman Empire Plan the Greek Crisis?” in which he stated, based on earlier Trumpet research, “Berlin has been planning for this crisis before it even adopted the euro. European elites knew it would eventually come. And they will soon present a solution. … The crisis in Greece is a forerunner of a whole rash of similar crises set to soon break out across Europe. They will provide the catalyst for the EU’s leading nation, Germany, to rise to the fore with solutions of its own making. Biblical prophecy declares that the result will be a European superstate with Germany at the helm.”
The press and mass media spoke of German rage at Papandreau’s announcement of a referendum on the bailout package. That’s just paper talk. The truth of the matter could well be that German elites have deliberately constructed a scenario designed to once again accelerate the achievement of their imperial goals.
Key to the game that is playing out today in Greece may well be what was discussed behind closed doors by the Greek prime minister and his finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos, when they visited Berlin on September 27. That meeting took place on the eve of a crucial vote that was taken by the German parliament to approve German support of the bailout package for the Grecian economy. The visit also occurred within days of the troika visiting Greece to review progress on the implementation of austerity measures imposed on Greece as prerequisite to receiving further bailout funds.
Was the calling of a future referendum on the austerity measures discussed at that point?
The realist British commentator John Ward posits the following scenario:
So consider for a minute what the effect would be if, a month before the referendum is due to take place, a “no” vote looks almost certain. [T]he effect on Greek bondholders is very likely to be one of panic: Now even their 50 percent write-off would be looking distinctly queasy. It is highly likely that, in such a situation, they’d settle for a 75 percent write-off—in preference to Greek chaos, followed by them getting nothing back at all.
Suddenly, the Greek debt load is reduced still further. Greece’s calling upon the efsf funding is reduced and postponed. The likelihood of Germany coughing up for Greek default is also lessened. The precedent of massive debt-forgiveness is set. The chances of Spanish and Portuguese collapse thus recede. Even Italy might be saved. For once, the bankers take the biggest hit: Not only is this popular with most EU citizens, many recapitalized eurobanks will survive … especially the already ringfenced German lenders. Now there is a new deal, and the Greeks enthusiastically back its far less onerous terms in the ensuing referendum. In return for this brighter outlook, the ClubMeds stick with the EU, and acquiesce in greater control from Berlin.
It’s an interesting scenario on which to ponder.
Either way, we shall not have to ponder for long. The G-20 meeting of leaders of the globe’s richest nations will meet in Cannes at the end of this week to consider the whole global financial crisis, and most especially the EU bailout package.
Whatever the outcome of the G-20 meeting, the folk at German-Foreign-Policy.com are aware of one certainty: “After the German victory at the euro crisis summit Berlin is preparing further steps for the enhancement of its hegemony over Europe. As quickly as possible the option to intervene in any indebted EU country’s budgets shall be enshrined in regulations. That would deprive core regions of democratic control of state obligations and open especially the southern euro countries [Club Med] to a direct control by Berlin.
“At the same time the federal government is driving the modification of the eurozone into a future heartland of Europe. Last week already the non-euro states—among them Great Britain—were excluded from significant summit decisions. With this approach, a kind of two-tier Europe is created. Experts judge and warn with regard to the German dominance, Berlin will become the ‘new Brussels,’” meaning the new headquarters of the EU! (November 1).
German-Foreign-Policy.com then gives a chilling observation: “The German media celebrates Germany’s summit victory with loud jubilance as well as with partially unveiled chauvinism, which gives a perception of the breaking through of Berlin’s real character.”
Déjà vu 1914, 1939 …