German-French Divide
The current euro crisis is rapidly breaking apart the postwar Franco-German alliance.
Of course it was always set to turn out this way. While ever Germany needed its French connection to aid in legitimizing the German elites’ drive for power under the cloak of the European Union, it was convenient to let France think that it was the dominant partner, politically, in its alliance with Germany as the two led Europe toward unification.
But that’s all old hat now.
Ever since Chancellor Gerhard Schröder pitched a course at odds with the Atlantic alliance and encouraged Germans to stop paying penance for the sins of two world wars, German elites have worked to establish a renewed national assertiveness in promoting their nation’s interests within Europe at the expense of all others.
Now, with Germany virtually dictating the terms of any solution to the euro crisis, France is finding itself on the back foot, completely off balance in its relationship with its Teutonic cousin.
German-Foreign-Policy.com reports (October 25, translation ours):
Further worsening of the euro crisis is accompanied by escalating clashes between Berlin and Paris. With regard to unsolved differences on the so-called leveraging of the crisis mechanism, efsf, designed to avoid the prospect of state bankruptcies of Spain or even Italy through finance-political tricks, international media circles talk about a “time of gnashing” on each other by both European leading powers.
As a matter of fact, the economic interests of Germany and France are leading in two completely different directions, and so their crisis resolution concepts also are diametrically opposed.
As the Prophet Amos observed, “Can two walk together except they be agreed?”
It was inevitable from the beginning that eventually France and Germany would divide due to their motives for seeking European unification being so diametrically opposed. France saw the EU as a way of containing German drives for power. Germany used the EU as a mask behind which to pursue both its own national and imperial interests.
Germany is now patently top dog in Europe. From here on France can be but its unwilling lackey.
As German-Foreign-Policy.com further comments: “International media warn of a breaking apart of the eurozone and possibly the EU itself—with a glance to a possible new ‘German Sonderweg.‘”
The use of that German term sonderweg is startling. It has historically been used to describe the “special path” that German leaders took to forge a “third way”—the fascist-Nazi ideology—through which to channel their imperialist drives. Its use in association with Germany’s newly assertive approach to European politics is especially startling when one considers closely the “third way” that the Vatican proposed on Monday for centralized control of the global economy.
Out of the current euro crisis this renewed German sonderweg is rapidly emerging to the point that even journalists, in the past seemingly blinded almost en masse to Germany’s true intentions in Europe, are recognizing it. “The Paris Press conjectures that in the present power struggle Berlin will prevail: ‘The German-French couple is dominant on only one side—the German side’” (ibid.).
Read our booklet Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany to deepen your understanding of Bible prophecy for our day relating very directly to Germany.