TD on cable in Trinidad and Tobago

I was pleasantly surprised last week when traveling through the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago to find the Trumpet Daily available nationwide on gsn. Now I can see why we have added several new subscribers to the Trumpet magazine from that region in recent months. In fact, when speaking with the local Philadelphia Church of God minister in Trinidad, he commented on how at least one family is now interested in attending services with the pcg as a result of finding the program. Though he has a history with God’s true Church, it wasn’t until he watched several episodes of TD that it confirmed in his mind that our work is following right in the footsteps of Herbert W. Armstrong.

We shouldn’t underestimate the overall reach of daily television, particularly with the episodes playing on the website. In the last 12 days, for example, our website has had visitors from nearly 100 different nations—including 266 visits from Trinidad and Tobago. Only 30 percent of our website traffic originates from the United States—which is the only country where we currently have broadcast contracts in place. We are working to expand television coverage outside the U.S. and hope to announce some new stations in the coming weeks.