The Tragedy of Kosovo

Armend Nimani/AFP/Getty Images

The Tragedy of Kosovo

One year on from the declaration of Kosovo’s independence, the former Serbian stronghold remains destabilized, wracked with crime and corruption.

Having seceded from Serbia on February 17 one year ago, the Albanian-dominated territory of Kosovo has failed to stabilize and remains locked in to the gun-and-drug-running corridor that extends from the heart of Europe to the Middle East and south to Colombia in South America.

As a result of the Kosovo wars of 1998-1999 in which the Clinton administration endorsed nato’s illegal air attacks on Serbian forces, more than 220,000 largely Serbian ethnic Kosovars became refugees from their homeland in a massive ethnic-cleansing campaign. The result was a combined EU/U.S.-endorsed seizure of Kosovo by Albania.

To the traditional possessors of Kosovo, the Serbs, the secession of Kosovo is seen as a violation of Serbia’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, with Serbia now having an EU-compliant president in the form of Boris Tadic, Belgrade’s efforts to change the status quo in Kosovo are reduced to a war of words of little effect.

President Tadic is keen for Serbia to gain entry into the EU. In a major concession to the European Union, he has accepted an EU mission to Kosovo in place of that of the United Nations. This is tantamount to handing over Kosovo to the real instigators of the destabilization of the Balkan Peninsula: Germany and its cohort in EU Balkan strategy, the Vatican state.

Boris Tadic virtually confessed to the fact of his capitulation in the Kosovo affair by indicating that Belgrade’s foreign policy saw EU membership as its highest priority. “We are aware of a different atmosphere in Europe regarding the [EU] enlargement,” Tadic said in an interview with Agence France-Presse Monday. “Therefore our every step, including the application for EU membership, will be reconsidered within that context in order for our candidacy be accepted as soon as possible.” To this end, he added, “We are currently in the middle of revising the dynamics of realizing our foreign-policy goals.”

Thus Tadic virtually declared that he has washed his hands from showing any degree of support to the Serbian enclave ensconced in Kosovo’s north at Mitrovica, as any resistance from Belgrade to EU goals in Kosovo would negate Serbia’s application for EU membership.

Concerning America’s foreign-policy direction regarding the Balkans, the new U.S. president has made his stance clear by endorsing the whole rotten Kosovo deal with a clear declaration of support to its illegal, and deeply corrupt, Albanian government. On the anniversary of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, President Obama was quoted as declaring the following in a letter of congratulations: “On behalf of the American people, I congratulate you and the citizens of Kosovo on the first anniversary of the historic declaration of independence of Kosovo. I want to stress that the U.S. will continue to support multiethnic, independent and democratic Kosovo in its efforts to take a meritorious place as a full member of the community of the states.”

State Department spokesman Robert Wood followed up in a statement issued by the American Embassy the following day, in which he confirmed that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton “is looking forward to the meeting with Kosovo’s president and prime minister on February 26, in order to reassure them of the U.S. promise of friendship and support for Kosovo.” Then, incredibly, overlooking the reality of the confusion, deeply entrenched corruption and continuing violations of Serbian human rights in Kosovo, Wood’s statement further declared the Obama administration view that last year “Kosovo took quick steps forwards toward building democratic institutions and carrying out the basic principles of the Ahtisaari plan [the Kosovo Status Settlement], including the protection of minority rights and cultural and religious heritage within its constitution.”

In the face of glaring and well-documented facts to the contrary, this statement just beggars belief! But, unbelievably, even more dissembling was added. The State Department then said Kosovo had cooperated in “building a stable and sustainable economy, a clear and simple system for the rule of law and other modern institutions, and a multiethnic and European democracy.”

Berlin and Brussels must be grinning from ear to ear as they reel in this compliant Obama regime. If it has swallowed the bait on Kosovo whole, who knows with what meek compliance this new U.S. administration will roll over and yield to the continuing aims of a largely yet-unrecognized imperialist Germany and its spiritual guide in Rome.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will be observing this interaction and coldly calculating their next move to limit American influence within the equation of a new transatlantic alliance and a revised role for nato.

It is highly possible that Putin has yielded ground on Serbia and Kosovo, which was previously considered allied to Russia, in exchange for agreement that the EU will not spread further east to Ukraine and will desist from meddling in the Transcaucasus. Already, preliminary talks are underway on a Russo-German alliance as a prerequisite to settling clearly defined borders between a resurgent Russia and an expansionary European Union.

With the EU now entrenched in Kosovo, a compliant administration installed in Serbia and a new U.S. administration with the names Clinton and Holbrooke attached to its Balkans diplomacy, the German/Vatican-instigated takeover of the Balkan Peninsula is a done deal.

Watch now for Germany, with implicit Vatican support, to raise both its diplomatic efforts and its economic/industrial presence in the Middle East, where it is already firmly entrenched in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria and is making steady strides to revive its profile in the Middle East peace process. Germany’s Balkans and Middle Eastern strategies are entirely consistent with the biblical prophecies that speak of a northern power to rise in these times that will focus on expansion to the south, to the east, and into the Middle East (Daniel 8:9).

To understand where world events are leading, we need to comprehend the application of this ancient prophecy in relation to that which is happening on the continent of Europe, across the Balkan Peninsula, within the Mediterranean, in northern Africa and on into the Middle East. Believe it or not, the events unfolding today on the European continent, in Russia and the Middle East were foretold millennia ago!

Read our booklet Daniel Unlocks Revelation. It’s a real eye-opener that not only explains the reasons for today’s major world events, but also exposes the future toward which they are leading.