Germany’s Grand Strategy
Over the years, the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine has attracted the attention of a few clear thinking people over our predictions that a revived, reunited Germany would return to global power status.
Germany is now unquestionably well advanced along that road.
The facts speak for themselves. In the 60 years that have followed World War ii, Germany has experienced a revival that has taken it from global pariah to being the leading economic, financial, political, judicial, bureaucratic and military power in Europe. Germany is now, despite the efforts of France to the contrary, the most dominant nation by far within the European Union. The U.S., Britain, Russia, in addition to all EU member nations, now not only sit up and take notice of Germany’s diplomatic moves, they even seek out its government’s advice.
When we write on Germany—as we have consistently from the very first editions of this magazine in its fledgling state 18 years ago—we have received from time to time brickbats from those who misread and misunderstand our message as being racist or anti-German.
It is not.
Our understanding of the German question is predicated on matching the facts of history with the progression of current world events, underpinned by the more sure word of prophecy (2 Peter 1:19). Obviously that message is pitched toward an audience that desires to understand current events within such a perspective. Our love and respect of the German peoples is akin to our common love and respect of all humanity. Likewise our desire for the German peoples, as is the case for the entire human race, is for them to ultimately attain their incredible human potential.
All nations are different. Each has its own innate strengths, talents and peculiar abilities. Each has its own weaknesses. History clearly documents this fact. When one has a grasp of a nation’s historic tendency to react in a given way under certain given stimuli, it becomes possible to deduce a definite habit pattern that will be repeated should similar circumstances recur in the future.
The failure of the United States to comprehend this simple reality has powerfully impacted the results of its dubious foreign policy, especially since the last world war.
A number of those who have been keen observers of the national traits of the German peoples and who deeply understand both the character and the history of the nation are becoming increasingly concerned about Germany’s current intentions.
The fact is, there is a grand strategy that certain influential German minds are working at in order to consolidate their present dominance in Europe as a platform for global hegemony.
Back in 1945, when Germany lay in the ashes of abject defeat, few believed Herbert W. Armstrong’s prediction that the surviving Nazis would simply go underground to develop their plans for a third attempt at world rule. As defeat loomed for Nazi Germany, many Nazis were whisked away through the Vatican ratlines to Spain, the Middle East, to the Americas and other New World countries together with much Nazi loot with which to bankroll their underground strategy.
After the Allies turned over the de-Nazification program to Germany, many hundreds of other Nazis and their sympathizers turned up within the bureaucracy, the education system and even the government of West Germany. This was particularly the case during the time of the Adenauer administration.
Among our sources, a few stand out for the uniqueness of their insight on the German question. British political economist Rodney Atkinson, academic and conservative political activist Adrian Hilton, and analyst Edward Spalton are among the best of such voices being raised in Britain. Over the past decade and more, we have met periodically with these keen observers of the EU and its leading nation, Germany, and recorded their observations. Their analysis of the German question and the leading role that the Vatican has taken in the development of the European Union remain among the most enlightened of this 21st century.
In addition, we have deep respect for the work of the journalists and social scientists at German-Foreign-Policy.com as they regularly scoop the major media on the real news behind the scenes in Germany and the EU. Other enlightened minds on this subject, such as Dr. George Friedman of Stratfor, Joe de Courcy of Courcey’s Intelligence Service—both of whom we have interviewed on a couple of occasions—and John Laughland of the European Foundation often add keen insight to the ongoing discussion on what has historically been termed “the German question.”
To point to a select few insightful books authored by observers of Germany and the EU with whom the Trumpet is personally acquainted, there is Germany’s Fourth Reich by Harry Beckhough, British military and intelligence officer, educator and author who had direct personal acquaintance with Adenauer and has documented his observations in that book. This is an excellent addition to Atkinson’s Fascist Europe Rising and Hilton’s The Principality and Power of Europe. Reference to theTrumpet.com archive will yield a host of other leads to secular sources documenting the evidence of those who have studied and proven the facts of Germany’s rise to attempt a third effort at global rule.
All this is strong endorsement for Herbert W. Armstrong’s prescience in forecasting over 60 years ago the fact of Germany’s return to global influence, and ultimate—if but for a brief moment in time—global dominance.
Now, as nato prepares for its most important summit since the end of the Cold War, France and Britain, aware of Germany’s efforts to gain a greater control over nato, are positioning themselves as a buffer against German stridency. Witness British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s call this week for an entente formidable with France and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy’s overt declaration, “I have never reduced France’s European policies simply to our relations with the Germans. The Paris-Berlin axis is at the essence, but it is not enough, and I have never ceased wanting to work in close cooperation with London” (bbc News, March 26). It is interesting that this new love affair between France and Britain, both nuclear-armed powers, comes at a time when voices in Germany are seeking a nuclear first-strike capability for nato.
It is significant that Russia and the EU (in particular Germany) stepped up pressure on either side of the Kosovo issue in the run-up to this vital nato summit. That a trade-off would have to be made between German intransigence on the recognition of Kosovar independence preparatory to drawing Kosovo into EU membership, and Russia’s refusal to budge on the opposite side of the argument was obvious. It now seems the trade-off has been pulled off, with Russia sacrificing influence in Kosovo and Serbia for the EU (significantly Germany) refusing to support Ukraine membership of nato. “Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said on Thursday that no nato bases would be deployed in his country. … This statement comes within three weeks of Kiev saying it had abandoned its bid for membership in the Western military alliance” (Stratfor, March 28).
Our long-time readers will be aware that the Trumpet has maintained for some time that the continental border between the eastward-expanding EU and a resurgent Russia would in all likelihood be drawn at Ukraine. The signs are that an agreement on the EU-Russian border has implicitly been reached.
As nato heads gather in Bucharest for the start of the nato summit on April 1, the U.S. is channeling its diplomatic efforts into encouraging greater involvement of EU nations, in particular Germany, in existing conflicts such as the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
France’s late run for an alliance with Britain to offset the increasing belligerence of Germany in its efforts to have its way in EU military affairs is bound to be too little too late. Germany is on a roll, and it is hard to see the Franco-British alliance being more than a slight distraction to the pursuit of Germany’s grand imperial strategy for the expansion of EU influence in matters of global security and defense.
The die was cast back in the early 1990s on Germany’s role as the dominant player politically and militarily on the European continent. The issue then, as it has been in the run-up to the 2008 nato summit, surrounded a trade-off over the Balkans.
Edward Spalton, in a letter to the Trumpet, explains this in rather succinct terms (emphasis mine throughout):
The remarkable thing was that all the EU countries, having been firmly opposed to recognizing Slovenia and Croatia, suddenly did an “about face” and all broke their commitments under the Helsinki Accords by doing so. This arose from Britain’s entrapment (the French call it “engreinage”) in the mechanism of EU treaties.
The Maastricht Treaty (which brought the euro currency into being) was being negotiated at the time and Britain was committed “in principle” to joining it by the fine print of the earlier Single European Act (1986). Mr. [John] Major, the Conservative prime minister, knew he could never sell the euro either to his party or to the country and needed an opt-out. Diplomatic recognition of the seceding Yugoslav states was Germany’s price. The German foreign minister remarked, “By this, Germany has regained diplomatically everything lost in Eastern Europe as the result of two world wars.” I have had the facts of this trade-off confirmed by two senior British parliamentarians (one of former cabinet rank) and by Dr. Miroslav Polreich, who was Czechoslovakian ambassador to the osce in Vienna at the time.
In an interview with the Trumpet, Dr. Polreich also verified the trade-off between Britain’s opt-out of the euro and its selling the Balkans to German dominance.
Mr. Spalton continued to emphasize that the German leopard has certainly not changed its spots: “With regard to Germany’s predominance in Eastern Europe, albeit under an EU cloak, one German minister made a thinly veiled threat in 1994 on the anniversary of the Nazi attack on Poland. ‘If integration (i.e. EU expansion) in Eastern Europe were not to proceed, a future German government might be called upon or compelled by its own security considerations to solve the problems of the area on its own and in the traditional manner.’”
This Englishman then added a profound warning to the American peoples in respect of the storm brewing over the Atlantic: “America, beware the EU! Britain is trapped in it, as all the main parties agree on our membership in spite of widespread public opposition. Uncle Sam spent a great deal of money through the cia in support of the European movement to get us in. It did both the U.S. and Britain a bad turn.”
Consider these facts in light of what appears to be this latest trade-off between Germany and Russia over yielding up the final bits of the Balkans—Serbia-Montenegro, and Kosovo—to EU control in exchange for what appears to be now a firm line being drawn between the EU’s eastward expansion and Russian western influence. Watch now for German strategy to center on the Caspian link into the Middle East oil basin, and on further aggressive moves into Africa and points even further south and east of the European continent, ultimately consummating in that city of great controversy, Jerusalem! (Daniel 8:9).
For a deeper study of the nation of Germany in relation to unfolding Bible prophecy, read our booklet Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany.