Winston Churchill’s Final Warning
In 1932, there were 2 million members in the Nazi party; 400,000 men belonged to Hitler’s semi-military “storm troopers.” Three of the Nazis’ most strident demands were: 1) They wanted an end to the Versailles Treaty—a treaty to make the Germans pay for the damage they caused by starting World War i; 2) they wanted to rearm—something they were not allowed to do after World War i; and 3) they demanded that German Jews be removed from all walks of German life.
This last demand should have alerted the world to where Germany’s rearmament would lead! Neville Chamberlain and other British leaders worked feverishly throughout the 1930s to make peace with Hitler, despite knowing that he wanted to remove a whole race of noble people from his country! What kind of peace can you ever have with such a monster? What kind of Europe would such a “peace treaty” have created? The effort to make peace was an illusion. Hitler never would have been satisfied with any compromise the Western powers made. After the war began, he set about annihilating all the Jews in Europe—then other parts of the world. Then he decided other races needed to be eliminated as the Nazis worked to create a “pure race.” Such a hateful lust is endless.
Today, we have many leaders who are trying to make peace with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He wants to “wipe Israel off the map.” Still, we have dangerously foolish people who think we can negotiate this hate-monger into peace—even as his hatred grows. The Middle East and the rest of the world become more unstable and turbulent every day because we let him sponsor terrorism—and terrorist acts are acts of war. We lack the will to stop him as we did with Hitler. It is just a matter of time before this man starts a bigger war. He even believes great religious good will come from it. How diabolical!
We take great delight in discussing Ahmadinejad’s monstrous desires. We fail to see that his evil only reveals an even more monstrous evil in us. We are too shamefully weak and selfish to stop this modern-day Hitler, who could so easily be stopped one way or the other. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to confront him.
Really only one prominent leader was alarmed by what was happening in Germany during the 1930s. (What is happening there today is even more alarming! Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to understand how.) He spoke out publicly against it. That man was Winston Churchill.
Churchill wanted to see Britain strengthen its weak military. Yet Britain’s foreign secretary, Sir John Simon, was working feverishly to get the British government to rapidly and comprehensively disarm! Simon’s appeal gained strong and enthusiastic support. Other members of Parliament were also working to achieve that goal.
Where would the world be today if those do-gooders had gotten control of the UK? They almost did.
Winston Churchill was a voice crying in the wilderness.
How could so many of our leaders in the U.S. and Britain—almost all of them—have been so weak in dealing with Hitler? Why was the British Parliament thinking of disarming even as Germany rapidly rearmed?
Across the Atlantic, America was assuming a similarly passive posture. We might have remained that way throughout World War ii if Japan hadn’t directly provoked us at Pearl Harbor. As Edward R. Murrow said, “America didn’t enter into the war, they were bombed into it.”
Have we learned nothing from our worst hour? Our leaders lacked the watchman quality of a strong leader like Churchill. He faced reality and spoke the truth in a dangerous world. Most leaders in the U.S. and UK lived in a weak world of illusion. And that illusion is far greater today!
Martin Gilbert wrote the greatest biography ever of this rare and courageous leader, Winston S. Churchill. In Volume v, The Prophet of Truth, he wrote, “Into Europe’s ‘highly complicated and electrical situations,’ Churchill declared, ‘our well-meaning but thoughtless and reckless pacifists expect us to plunge with sweeping gestures, encouraged by long-distance halloos from the United States’” (emphasis mine throughout).
The U.S. was even more pacifist than Britain. Both nations made horrendous misjudgments about Hitler. We should be embarrassed even today by our shameful weakness against one of the worst tyrants ever.
The big question is, did we learn anything from this horrendously bad judgment that almost cost us our freedom? Did Churchill’s example teach us why we made such colossal misjudgments? It was truly our worst hour—to that point!
Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat its catastrophes! Today a nuclear first strike is apt to win the next major war. So our margin for error is much smaller. That means we must stop a Hitler-type movement before it gains power—or suffer more intensely.
We can’t afford the pacifist attitude we had before World War ii and survive nationally. Yet our pacifist attitude today is far worse than it was then.
“Smooth Things”
On Nov. 17, 1932, Churchill wrote in the Daily Mail, “Do not delude yourselves. Do not let His Majesty’s government believe—I am sure they do believe—that all that Germany is asking for is equal status. I believe the refined term now is equal qualitative status by indefinitely deferred stages. That is not what Germany is seeking. All these bands of sturdy Teutonic youths, marching through the streets and roads of Germany, with the light of desire in the eyes to suffer for their Fatherland, are not looking for status. They are looking for weapons, and, when they have the weapons, believe me they will then ask for the return of lost territories and lost colonies, and when that demand is made it cannot fail to shake and possibly shatter to their foundations every one of the countries I have mentioned, and some other countries I have not mentioned ….”
All Germany needed was a strong leader to ignite the people’s emotions and lead them to start another world war. Today, Germany is just waiting for another strong leader to finalize the Holy Roman Empire. That leader will be on the world scene shortly. And once again, the world will be electrified with fear.
“The dangers were too acute to be hidden behind bland platitudes. ‘I cannot recall at any time,’ Churchill said, ‘when the gap between the kind of words which statesmen used and what was actually happening in many countries was so great as it is now. The habit of saying smooth things and uttering pious platitudes and sentiments to gain applause, without relation to the underlying facts, is more pronounced now than it has ever been in my experience’” (ibid.).
Churchill pleaded for leaders to speak the truth rather than “smooth things” to the people. He even used a Bible prophecy for the end time, found in the book of Isaiah, to get their attention. (For more understanding, request our free booklet Isaiah’s End-Time Vision).
Hostile Educators
On Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Germany’s chancellor. On February 17, Churchill spoke at the 25th anniversary meeting of the Anti-Socialist and Anti-Communist Union. Commenting on the recent debate in the Oxford Union, at which a majority of the undergraduates present had approved the motion “That this House refuses in any circumstances to fight for King and Country,” Churchill declared: “That abject, squalid, shameless avowal was made last week by 275 votes to 153 in the debating society of our most famous university. We are told we ought not to treat it seriously. The Times talks of the Children’s Hour. I disagree. It is a very disquieting and disgusting symptom,” and he proceeded to explain why it troubled him.
“My mind turns across the narrow waters of Channel and the North Sea, where great nations stand determined to defend their national glories or national existence with their lives. I think of Germany, with its splendid ancient songs, demanding to be conscripted into an army; eagerly seeking the most terrible weapons of war; burning to suffer and die for their fatherland. I think of Italy, with her ardent Fascisti, her renowned Chief, and stern sense of national duty.”
How could this happen in the land of the Vatican, a strong Roman Catholic country? Our booklet on the Holy Roman Empire explains why and how.
Churchill continued, “One can almost feel the curl of contempt upon the lips of the manhood of all these peoples when they read this message sent out by Oxford University in the name of young England” (ibid.).
That was the pathetic view of Britain’s future leaders. Churchill’s views were met with almost total hostility at Oxford, the leading producer of the pacifists. Other colleges and universities thought similarly in America and Britain. Have our educational institutions today learned a lesson from the Hitler experience? No they have not! Neither have our political leaders, nor the media.
As Churchill said, mankind is unteachable. People refuse to learn. History keeps repeating itself in endless catastrophes! Being so wrong about one of the worst crimes and criminals in history is no small error!
Hostile Parliament
Here is how Anthony Eden (who later became prime minister) rebuked Churchill in Parliament: “As for Germany, they did not wish to double her army, but to change the system ‘which was imposed on her at Versailles,’ replacing a small long-service army by a larger, but short-service militia.
“The House of Commons cheered Eden’s rebukes. On the following morning the press were strongly censorious. ‘The House was enraged in an ugly mood—towards Mr. Churchill,’ declared the Daily Dispatch; and the Northern Echo called Churchill’s speech ‘vitriolic,’ ‘a furious onslaught’ and ‘one of the most audacious he has delivered’” (ibid.).
Those criticisms didn’t deter Churchill from his warning. On July 9 he wrote in the Daily Mail: “I look with wonder upon our thoughtless crowds disporting themselves in the summer sunshine, and upon this unheeding House of Commons which seems to have no higher function than to cheer a minister”—and all the while, across the North Sea, “A terrible process is astir. GERMANY IS ARMING”! (ibid.).
Hitler continued to grow in power during 1934. On June 30, most of his Nazi Party rivals were killed. It was a night of bloody butchery. Still, most of the people in America and Britain continued to praise Hitler or refuse to fight against him.
All of the leading institutions of Britain and America were wrong in evaluating the greatest tyrant this world has ever known. This massive and dangerous deception led to the deaths of 50 million people! But our politicians, the media and educators have learned nothing from this outrageously shameful chapter—the worst hour in our history!
Most of our people are even more deceived today! The people of America still want to hear “smooth things.” How could our massive deceit have a good ending in the short run? Thankfully, the ending is magnificent in the long run. Our booklets explain why and how.
Before World War ii, in a blatant violation of the Versailles Treaty, Germany rapidly expanded its armed forces. Churchill said, “Germany’s illegal air force was rapidly approaching equality with our own.” He continued, “So far I have dealt with what I believe is the known, but beyond the known there is also the unknown. We hear from all sides of an air development in Germany far in excess of anything which I have stated today. As to that all I would say is, ‘Beware’! Germany is a country fertile in military surprises” (ibid.).
Have we forgotten that Germany plunged the world into two world wars, causing the death of about 60 million people? These were two gigantic “military surprises.” There were many more such surprises during those two wars. Germany, as Churchill said, was fertile with military surprises. It had a history of this. Churchill warned us to “Beware”! Watch Germany.
How were Churchill’s warnings received? The critics in Parliament discussed his “scaremongering speech” and his “mad policy” proposals toward Germany.
As danger worsened, the leaders and Parliament kept reassuring the public with false statements. Being self-deceived, they deceived the people. The leaders were too weak to face the hard truth.
And so are our leaders today.
A Final Warning
“Mankind has never been in this position before,” Churchill said. “Without having improved appreciably in virtue or enjoying wiser guidance, it has got into its hands for the first time the tools by which it can unfailingly accomplish its own extermination. That is the point in human destinies to which all the glories and toils of men have at last led them. They would do well to pause and ponder upon their new responsibilities.
“Death stands at attention, obedient, expectant, ready to serve, ready to shear away the peoples en masse, ready, if called on, to pulverize, without hope of repair, what is left of civilization. He awaits only the word of command. He awaits it from a frail bewildered being, long his victim, now—for one occasion only—his Master.”
If we don’t heed Churchill’s warnings before and after World War ii, a nuclear war will quickly put everything into perspective. But what a terrifying tragedy if we fail to heed.
Churchill said the people then were living in a “fool’s paradise.” Today our fantasy world is far more distorted.
We are living in the time of the lion’s roar and don’t realize it! “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:7-8). Who has God’s secret? Amos is an end-time book. So that secret has to be heard on this Earth somewhere. It is your responsibility and mine to find the secret.
Christ Himself warned us about an end-time nuclear holocaust (Matthew 24:21-22). He also prophesied of the wonderfully inspiring conclusion—His return. Even if we don’t heed, He is going to intervene just before we destroy all human life on this planet!
Why don’t you hear Christians teaching these prophecies of Christ? Christians are supposed to be followers of Christ. Christianity also got it all wrong about Hitler in the 1930s. It learned nothing from Winston Churchill. It is the guiltiest of all religions, because Christians should know better. They have been warned repeatedly. They don’t know God and they don’t know their Bibles!
We can heed this warning and avoid the worst suffering ever on planet Earth. Each one of us must choose. The consequences of that choice are truly monumental!