Iran Looking to Build a Crude Nuclear Bomb Within Months
A group of Iranian scientists is researching into a faster way to develop a nuclear weapon, the New York Times reported on February 3.
United States intelligence officials told the New York Times that Iran has hired weapons engineers and scientists to look for a way to develop a nuclear bomb within months, even if it means using older, cruder methods.
Iran has enough enriched uranium to develop four or five nuclear weapons and is now waiting for permission from its leaders to assemble the bombs. Officials have said it could take Iran one to two years to turn the uranium into a sophisticated warhead capable of fitting onto a ballistic missile.
But U.S. officials now believe Iran is looking to develop an older-style nuclear weapon that can be built within months.
This older weapon would not fit onto a ballistic missile and would be far less reliable, but it would nevertheless be Iran’s first nuclear weapon and allow the country to declare itself a nuclear power. U.S. officials believe Iran already has the blueprints for this older-style nuke.
The question remains as to when Iranian authorities will give the go-ahead to build the bomb.
Negotiations: The new information will likely be discussed by U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting in Washington today.
Netanyahu has threatened to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities if Iran continues to instigate and carry out attacks on Israel. But Trump has said he would rather make a deal with Iran than carry out an attack.
Iran has said it is open to negotiations with the U.S. about its nuclear program. It is likely that Iran is holding off development until these negotiations take place.
King of the south: A Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 warns that Iran’s aggressive policies will play a major role in end-time world events. These prophecies will unfold as Iran draws closer to becoming a nuclear power.
To understand, request a free copy of The King of the South.