God Is Silencing Obama

God Is Silencing Obama
On January 20, the world watched as Donald J. Trump was inaugurated president of the United States. The crowd seated to one side included his family members, tech billionaires and cabinet nominees. On the other side were former presidents, including Barack Obama. What an amazing scene: This once powerful figure was forced to watch, in person and up close, the inauguration of the man he has tried to destroy. And immediately afterward, Mr. Trump began rebuilding what Obama destroyed and destroying what Obama built!
At the beginning of his speech, President Trump greeted Obama by name. He then went on to rightly describe America’s time under Obama and his “radical and corrupt establishment” as unsovereign, unsafe, unjust, empowering foreigners and oppressing Americans. He said, “My recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and, indeed, their freedom.”
Barack Obama had to sit and listen. The world was watching what you could say was the official silencing of this man.
Trump had “warred” to recover the presidency (2 Kings 14:28). In the 2024 presidential election, Democrats lost that war. Commentators said the Democrats were annihilated. In that election, they were led not by Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, but by Barack Obama. This man had been working for years, mostly behind the scenes, to destroy America from the top! He fulfilled a prophetic type of Antiochus iv Epiphanes, a man who used deceit to destroy God’s people from within—from the top. (I explain this in America Under Attack.)
In Amos 7, the first six verses show that God is very angry. The context shows the anger is directed against the destructive work of this political Antiochus. Barack Obama had considerable power with the big corporations, Hollywood, academia, the media and more. He gained that power “by reason of transgression”—that is, because of the sins of the people (Daniel 8:12). That is why God allowed the curses of the Obama and Biden years: because of the sins not only of the radical left, but of all the people. Sin is rampant in America, and God will correct that!
In Amos 7:1-6, two times Amos pleaded with God for mercy for Israel, and God relented. But beginning in verse 7, there is an abrupt change, and the leader is clearly Jeroboam, or Donald Trump.
This is what I wrote in my September 2024 Trumpet article about this passage: “When you understand who the modern fulfillment of Jeroboam is, the fact that the first part of this chapter is discussing Barack Obama is clear. But it is conspicuous that this man is never mentioned directly in the prophecy, though that is exactly who it is talking about. Why the omission?
“I have come to realize that the reason God does not mention this modern-day type of Antiochus in this passage is that He is beginning to silence this man! Barack Obama’s power is diminishing before our eyes. … A big part of silencing Obama will be the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, which I have forecast ever since the 2020 election coup.”
How true that forecast proved to be. Before the election, Obama campaigned hard for the Democrats. But people didn’t listen. They abandoned his pick for president in droves, and huge numbers of voters who had once supported Obama ended up backing Mr. Trump.
After the election, the Democrats, who had wielded so much power to do such radical and destructive things for so long, suddenly appeared very weak and leaderless. “Democrats are a lost party,” Axios wrote on Nov. 8, 2024, describing its shrunken power in federal government, courts, states and media. American Greatness wrote, “The presidential election was as much about Barack Obama as it was about Kamala Harris and the Democrats, revealing that the former president holds little sway over voters” (Nov. 14, 2024).
Obama wielded power beyond any other figure in recent memory. Many people still don’t realize how much of America’s self-destruction traces back to him. But now he is a shell of what he was!
Perhaps the easiest way to see this was Joe Biden’s impotent efforts in his final days in office. He spent the two months after the election doing everything he could to hamper the incoming administration. He submitted a plan to the United Nations to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Paris Climate Agreement; Donald Trump pulled out of the whole agreement on day one. Biden banned oil drilling in 625 million acres of U.S. coastal waters; Trump immediately signed an executive order to reverse it. Biden agreed to a dangerous deal with Cuba and the Vatican, removing Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terror; Trump put Cuba back on the list days later. Biden refused to sell weapons to Israel; Trump immediately overturned the weapons ban.
Eight years ago, Barack Obama used the end of his presidency to spring the Russia-gate trap, ensuring that Mr. Trump’s first term was consumed in legal fights and allowing Obama to cover up his own illegal attempts to steal the 2016 election. This time, he appears toothless.
We will see just how decisive and permanent this loss of influence is. As I wrote in America Under Attack, from Amos 7:7 on, we see no hint of Barack Obama. When Jeroboam returns, “[w]ill that be the end of the political Antiochus’s real power?” I wrote. “God does not say definitely, but I believe Amos 7 strongly indicates it. There are certain to be some big changes.”
It appears those “big changes” are exactly what America and the world have just witnessed.