South Africa Legalizes Land Grabs
Imagine hearing a knock on your door in the middle of the night. A crowd of people tell you to collect your belongings and vacate the premises. They tell you that your land and everything on it belongs to them now.
Such invasions have been happening in South Africa, and for over 3,000 white farmers, they have been deadly. White farmers are regularly attacked and even killed as frenzied blacks illegally take the land they believe rightfully belongs to them. On January 23, the government made these land grabs legal. Now those knocking on the door might be backed by the full weight of the South African government.
Despite the all-too-common farm attacks, South Africa had operated on a “willing buyer, willing seller” basis since 1975. But the new Expropriation Act, signed into law by President Cyril Ramaphosa, allows for the expropriation of any property—land, cash, movable property or corporate shares—without compensation.
Vincent Magwenya, the president’s spokesperson, said that under the law, the state “may not expropriate property arbitrarily or for a purpose other than … in the public interest.”
Who determines whether a land grab is in the public interest? The South African government.
If the land has been abandoned, underutilized or is used for purely speculative purposes, the government can grab the land. If it decides building on the property would cost more than the property is worth, it can grab the land.
This law gives the minister of public works and infrastructure the power to expropriate any piece of land on behalf of the state, without compensation. All the government has to do is arbitrarily justify it .
According to South African journalist Robert Duigan, the Expropriation Act simply continues on a discriminatory foundation:
The Constitution already provides that discrimination is legal, so long as it is “fair,” and fairness is defined precisely on the grounds of race in this country, and has been for some time, provided the race of the person being discriminated against is white.
This law is state-sanctioned racism.
If a white family “abandons” their land because they were attacked, then the state can take it away. And if the family takes it to court, there is a new court system exclusively for expropriation without compensation.
This leaves only the supreme and constitutional courts for those wishing to appeal. But this is only after the land has already been taken and requires massive legal fees.
To top it off, the judges of these courts will be immune from prosecution or legal summons, except on charges of domestic violence. This means they can be bought for any price, by anyone, to steal any land in South Africa.
In one fell swoop, the right to owning property in South Africa is essentially moot.
This is the same type of behavior that destroyed Zimbabwe’s economy. South Africa’s successful white farmers are already on edge because of the violent farm attacks that have killed over 3,000 farmers. Knowing that the state itself is now openly coming after them might trigger a mass exodus before their land is stolen from them.
In 1994, when Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s president, the world cheered for communism tidily dressed up as democracy. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said at the time, “South Africa is the first of the Anglo-Saxon nations to give away its God-given birthright.” The Trumpet wrote in 1997, “Disaster looms huge on the horizon of South Africa, as godless communism has its day bringing an [African National Congress]-dominated government to power with the apparent full endorsement of Western society!”
As Herbert W. Armstrong proved in The United States and Britain in Prophecy, the Dutch, British and Irish South Africans are also descendants of the nation of Israel, a nation with a special relationship with God.
But they have forgotten God and have given away their birthright. They gave South Africa up to communism and its consequent policies, such as this new Expropriation Law.
South Africa is falling apart. It’s only the “first of the Anglo-Saxon nations” to do so, and it’s a strong warning to the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world.
“[We] are witnessing the fall of South Africa as a prelude to the accelerating descent of the United States and of the once great British company of nations,” our e-book South Africa in Prophecy states. “South Africa is the first major domino to fall in what will become a free fall into slavery of those once mightiest nations on Earth!”
To learn more, read our article “A Warning From South Africa.”