Report: Five Signs China Is Accelerating Plans to Invade Taiwan

There are now five glaring indications that China is preparing to conquer Taiwan, the Telegraph wrote on January 22.

The five signs are:

  1. Gray-zone warfare: China has ramped up “gray-zone” warfare in the Taiwan Strait to a remarkable level. This is best exemplified in the nearly constant warplane incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone—more than 3,000 last year. These are aimed at exhausting Taiwan’s air force without escalating to open combat. These maneuvers are costly and extremely taxing for Taiwan’s much smaller military.
  2. Coercive tactics: China’s large-scale military drills near Taiwan, with little fanfare, aim to normalize its military presence there and signal to Taiwan and the world that China has the capability to attack at any time.
  3. Taiwan’s weapons integration delays: Delays in Taiwan’s integration of its weapons systems with those of its main security partner, the United States, leave a window wide open for a Chinese attack. The Chinese know they should strike soon before such upgrades make any conflict more difficult and costly for Beijing.
  4. Propaganda campaigns: China’s disinformation efforts surged last year, with nearly 2.2 million items fed to Taiwanese consumers on platforms such as Facebook, TikTok and X. The nonstop message is that China’s way is superior, resisting China is futile, and America can’t be counted on to help Taiwan.
  5. Diplomacy toward Trump: Some analysts suggest Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping might attempt to exploit United States President Donald Trump’s transactional mindset and misgivings about U.S. alliances to reach a deal in which Trump gives Xi permission to take Taiwan.

Altogether, these factors highlight the growing tension in the Taiwan Strait, showing that the region could soon become the next major global flashpoint.

The Trumpet said: In 1998, after Bill Clinton became the first U.S. president to yield to Chinese pressure and issue a statement opposing Taiwanese independence, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said it meant Taiwan’s days of freedom were numbered. He wrote:

The Chinese leaders pressured the president and America to speak against our freedom-loving friends before the whole world. …

The people of Taiwan fear for their future. They feel betrayed. …

Once again, America has showcased its broken will to the whole world. …

How could anyone fail to see that Taiwan is destined to become a part of mainland China? These [24 million] people are going to be forced into the Chinese mold; and it is going to happen for one reason: because of a pitifully weak-willed America.

Does freedom really mean so little to us?

Mr. Flurry’s view of America’s weak will, and how it will factor into the China-Taiwan dynamic, is founded on Bible prophecy. Leviticus 26 records God warning the descendants of Israel—mainly modern America and Britain—that if they refused to turn to Him, then He would “break the pride of [their] power” (verse 19).

Learn more: Read “Taiwan Betrayal.”