Pornhub Now Blocked in 17 U.S. States

The world’s largest pornographic video content site, Pornhub, blocked access to users in Florida after the state passed a law requiring age verification before someone can view pornography sites.

Florida’s new law went into effect on January 1. It requires viewers of online pornography to verify that they are adults by uploading government identification, such as a driver’s license. Rather than comply with this rule, Pornhub is disabling its website to viewers of all ages in the state.

Last year, Louisiana became the first state to require an ID to access Pornhub. Many other states have followed Louisiana’s lead. Since Pornhub refuses to comply with ID requirements, 17 U.S. states have been blocked by the site: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Virginia.

Predatory behavior: A Common Sense Media survey found the average age for exposure to pornography is 12 years old. Half of these children reported seeing porn accidentally while clicking on links they didn’t realize would lead to porn.

Pornhub claims it objects to the law because it could open adults up to damage of their reputation if they have to share their IDs. But child viewers of porn are a big market for the site. Pornhub’s decision to block these states is designed to pressure lawmakers into repealing ID requirements.

Pornography is harmful to people of every age, so Florida should have banned Pornhub completely. But because of legal disputes over “free speech” in America, it was banned only for those under 18. The law is intended to protect those too young to protect themselves, and Pornhub hates this.

Destroying family: In No Freedom Without Law, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes:

Deep down we know that pornography is evil! In the past, even the thought of it caused us shame. At one time we also declared a war on pornography, but we don’t hear much about that war anymore. … We lost that war as well.

What does it mean to lose the war on pornography? It means losing the values that build strong marriages and strong families. Strong families are the backbone of any strong nation. Yet we have been overcome by something we were too weak to resist.

Pornhub is banking on U.S. adults sacrificing their children to the pornography industry to regain access to lewd material. Let’s hope the citizens of the 17 states blocked by Pornhub let this site leave for good.

Learn more: Read “A Bigger Pastime Than Sports,” by Gerald Flurry.