More Evidence the Biden Administration Suppressed the Truth About COVID
It was a disease that reportedly took 7.1 million lives, according to the World Health Organization’s statistics (though its numbers are conflated with deaths with vague connections to the sickness), 1.2 million of which were American. It sent over 100 countries into full or partial lockdown. Thousands were locked in their homes, lost their jobs, and were prohibited from visiting loved ones.
The world is still recovering physically, economically and socially from the covid-19 pandemic. Yet more is being revealed about how the Biden administration suppressed truth about the disease and lied to America.
On Dec. 26, 2024, former fbi scientist Jason Bannan told the Wall Street Journal that early on, the agency had evidence covid-19 leaked from a lab, but the information was kept out of a 2021 official government briefing.
In 2020, as the pandemic was just beginning, United States President Donald Trump said there was substantial evidence the virus leaked from a biochemical research institute in Wuhan, China. He was immediately labeled “racist” by scientists and media. They castigated him for calling it a “Chinese virus,” insisted he was spreading false xenophobic information and accused him of contradicting the intelligence community. Trump explained he had seen the evidence, but because the issue was still under investigation, he was not able to disclose it to the public.
The scientific and intellectual community argued that since they were given no proof of a lab leak, anyone who promoted the idea was a “maga conspiracy theorist.”
They theorized the disease probably passed from an infected animal to a human in a wet market in Wuhan, near where the first reported case of covid-19 was recorded. They had no evidence of this theory either.
Thus ensued an endless debate between media heads, scientists and government officials over whether covid originated in a biochemical lab or had a natural, animal origin.
When Joe Biden entered the White House in 2021, America was still fighting the disease, and the intelligence community was still bickering over its origin. Then a U.S. intelligence report revealed that several researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill and had to be hospitalized in November 2019, roughly the same time epidemiologists and virologists believed covid began spreading.
Biden ordered the intelligence community to “redouble” its research into covid’s origin and bring him a report in 90 days.
At the end of the 90 days, on Aug. 24, 2021, the National Intelligence Council, along with four intelligence agencies, concluded with “low confidence” that covid-19 began spreading when a human came into contact with an infected animal. They brought their finding to National Intelligence Director Avril Haines, who, along with a couple of her colleagues, briefed Biden.
However, the intelligence community argued that because China refused to cooperate with the investigation, the origin could not be known for sure. Biden’s official statement on the investigation didn’t explain the pandemic’s origin but insisted on the need for cooperation from China.
The nation was left to believe that an animal-to-human transmission was “most likely” what happened.
Then in February 2023, a year and a half after Biden’s investigation, Haines’s office updated the 2021 report: The U.S. Energy Department concluded that covid spread due to a leak at the Wuhan lab. Two days later, in an interview with Fox News, fbi Director Christopher Wray said, “The fbi has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan. Here you are talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab.”
Somehow this information was left out of Biden’s briefing in August 2021.
Bannan told the Wall Street Journal that during Biden’s 90-day investigation, the fbi was the only agency that had concluded a lab leak was likely. And unlike the other agencies who had “low confidence” in their assessment, the fbi had “moderate confidence” in its conclusion.
The fbi found that three scientists at the National Center for Medical Intelligence, a department of the Defense Intelligence Agency (dia), did a genomic analysis of the virus and found that a segment of the “spike protein” that allows the virus to enter human cells was constructed using a technique described in a 2008 Chinese scientific paper from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
However, this information did not agree with the dia’s assessment, so they kept it out of their report to Biden. Sources told the New York Post that the three scientists were silenced by their superiors and told to stop collaborating with the fbi. According to Bannan, the fbi was shunned from Biden’s briefing.
“Being the only agency that assessed that a laboratory origin was more likely, and the agency that expressed the highest level of confidence in its analysis of the source of the pandemic, we anticipated the fbi would be asked to attend the briefing,” Bannan said. “I find it surprising that the White House didn’t ask.”
The evidence was clear: covid-19 was engineered and leaked from a lab in China. But this information did not agree with the opinion of the “superiors” within Biden’s intelligence community, so they chose not to tell the public.
Whether or not Biden was ever informed about the fbi’s evidence, Bannan’s revelation shows how much higher-ups in Biden’s administration could suppress the truth. Their lies confused and divided the country while it was fighting the worst pandemic it had faced in decades. (To understand the full truth behind the origins of covid-19, read “Was the Coronavirus Crisis Engineered?”)
The Biden administration has only one week before Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has written extensively about how Trump’s reinstatement as president was prophesied because God is temporarily saving America from bitter affliction by the radical left.
In September, Mr. Flurry wrote in “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump”:
For nearly 15 years now, I have focused on a handful of prophecies that give astounding insight into the specific curses that have been plaguing America since Barack Obama became president. The picture from prophecy has grown clearer with time. In 2013, shortly into Obama’s second term, I published a booklet, titled America Under Attack, that exposed the true nature of the diabolical forces arrayed against this nation. It also explained why God was allowing this to occur.
When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, it was an extraordinary development. In many ways, those evil forces were forced to retreat. But what has happened since has showed that they were diligently working to subvert the president in increasingly lawless and brazen ways. This culminated in the theft of the 2020 election and the installation of a puppet regime to continue Obama’s destructive agenda.
Mr. Flurry then explained a prophecy in 2 King 14:26-28, which says God will save America—part of the modern-day descendants of Israel (request a free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy)—from “bitter affliction” using a modern Jeroboam, whom Mr. Flurry has identified as Donald Trump.
After a four-year hiatus, President Trump is coming back to save America again. Mr. Flurry wrote:
[B]ecause Joe Biden has been in the White House, the evil of that satanic attack on America has been exposed to a much greater degree. It goes much deeper than any of us had realized, and God is making sure it is exposed and made plain!
The way the Biden administration handled the pandemic exposes the corruption plaguing our nation’s government, which is why God allowed it to occur.
Mr. Flurry explains in America Under Attack that our nation is in “bitter affliction” because of the people’s sins. Unless we repent of breaking God’s law, greater curses will plague the United States.
Our nation has a brief span of time now to repent and turn from our sins. If we do, God promises to bless us (Leviticus 26:3-13).
To learn how the corruption in our government got so deep, as well as how to avoid these curses in the future, request a free copy of America Under Attack.