A Race War Is Prophesied
Immigration is one of the biggest concerns on Americans’ minds in this coming election. Yet most people fail to see the real danger.
Why won’t politicians secure America’s borders? Many conservatives believe Democrats are importing voters. That is true. But the plan goes beyond just that.
There is also a plan to sow division, confusion, violence and terrorism. These people are essentially bringing in foot soldiers for race war and civil war!
“Make no mistake! This is no light matter to pass over casually! Race war is coming!” the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in the October 1963 Plain Truth, based on the prophecies of the Bible. “Racial tensions, passions and hatreds are being deliberately stirred by organized planning. It will explode into mass violence that will stagger the imagination! It will be whipped into an accelerating crescendo until human blood runs like rivers!”
America saw that prophecy come true to some degree in the 1960s. But as bad as racial violence at the time was, it is prophesied to get far worse in the time ahead of us. I would encourage you to read Chapter 5 of my booklet Great Again, “Where America’s Race Riots Are Leading,” to learn about these prophecies.
Tensions are building. Open borders have greatly aggravated this danger.
There is one man who has stirred the racial tensions and is responsible for America’s open borders: former President Barack Obama.
As I wrote in my book America Under Attack:
President Obama repeatedly made public remarks on racially charged issues, remarks that increased people’s mistrust of the police and eroded faith in the justice system. He said things that were provably false but that played well to racist radicals. At one point Obama said racism is part of America’s dna. That means the nation is irredeemably racist. Such a baseless accusation is satanic to its core! Satan uses race as a weapon to divide people. God doesn’t hold any race as superior or inferior to any other; He made all races and has a transcendent potential in store for all people!
In the post-Obama America, mainstream media and radical Democrats continually accuse Republicans and everyday Americans of being racist. In almost every case, they are lying and they know they’re lying. Radicals encourage racism against whites, teaching white students—even elementary schoolchildren—to think they are inferior to blacks, Hispanics and anybody of color. We frequently hear racist remarks on television and radio. One black tv commentator on nbc said, “This is no country for young black men!” Such ugly, racist remarks are filling the country with hatred and division that will lead to violence and race war. These commentators are either ignorant of what they are doing, or they want a race war. Certainly some extremists do. Bible prophecy tells us they are going to get one.
In 2021, Mr. Obama said that while he was president, he felt restrained about speaking up for black victims. That is an astonishing statement considering how often he inserted himself into racial issues on behalf of “black victims.” He did so at every opportunity he got!
This problem is now exploding, and it is being made worse by mass migration. And there is evidence that this is precisely the intent.
Unless our nation repents soon, our cities are going to go up into flames! God prophesied this as a curse to punish our nation (Isaiah 1:7).
Few see Mr. Obama behind this attack. Even fewer see the spiritual dimension, but the evidence is overwhelming. You can read more about it in that chapter in Great Again, “Where America’s Race Riots Are Leading.”