The Persistent Fantasy of Vladimir Putin’s Demise
The Persistent Fantasy of Vladimir Putin’s Demise
“It is not clear how Putin … can reverse the slide,” cnn wrote. “The turbulence is just beginning.”
Since Ukrainian forces invaded Russia’s Kursk region on August 6, capturing hundreds of square miles and marking the first time Russia has been invaded by a foreign army since World War ii, some Kremlin watchers have said the Russian president is now living on borrowed time.
But the cnn article quoted above is not about Ukraine’s Kursk invasion; in fact, it is not recent. It was published in December 2011 after Vladimir Putin’s party had performed below expectations in parliamentary elections.
At that time 13 years ago, the cnn writer was one of several who were penning Putin’s epitaph. And in the years since, similar gloomy predictions for him have been issued again and again:
- In 2012, the Economist headlined: “The Beginning of the End of Putin.”
- In 2014, analyst Paul Vale wrote that the “push by the [European Union] to inflict more punishing strictures against Russia’s elites could … pose an existential threat to the Putin regime.”
- In 2017, the New Yorker said protests created “a sense that, after 17 years, Vladimir Putin’s political system was running out of arguments to justify its continued monopoly hold on power.”
The voices heralding Putin’s demise reached a fever pitch last summer with the mutiny of Russia’s Wagner Group. “[I]t is the final chapter of his rule,” Foreign Policy wrote. The Economist echoed the sentiment: “Putin has shown he can no longer maintain order among his warlords.” The Times asked: “Is this the end for Putin?”
With August’s invasion of Kursk, it is true that Ukrainians have brought the war to Russia in an unprecedented way. The maps show that Ukraine conquered more of Russia in nine days than Russia had conquered of Ukraine in the previous nine months. The hundreds of square miles they conquered included one of Russia’s most important gas transit hubs, which Ukraine could now destroy at any time. Tens of thousands of Russians were evacuated from the captured area, and the Russians apparently lack a strategy to push the Ukrainians out. The development was a major black eye for Putin. So it should come as no surprise that some commentators began once again ringing his death knell.
Despite the challenges the Russian ruler now faces, the Trumpet believes he will endure the current tumult and remain at the helm of Russia. This is not just because he has proven himself time and again to be a remarkably crafty survivor, but because of the teachings of the Bible.
Is Putin Prophesied?
Around the year a.d. 90, the Apostle John recorded a prophecy describing a military force of 200 million men (Revelation 9:16), which is far larger than any ever assembled in human history. Other passages provide details about this massive power. Revelation 16:12 calls it “the kings of the east,” showing it to be a coalition of multiple Asian nations. Daniel 11:44 and 12:1 show it will be among the main belligerents in World War iii. And Ezekiel 38:2 reveals that this coalition will have one nation—and one man—at the helm. He is called “the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (New King James Version).
Rosh is a name for Russia, once called Rus, a point acknowledged by the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary. Meshech and Tubal indicate key Russian cities Moscow and Tobolsk.
Ezekiel 38 goes on to show the conquests of the mighty force led by this Russian prince. It also discusses the army’s eventual defeat.
So who is this individual? In the September 2014 Trumpet, editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote: “I strongly believe Vladimir Putin is going to lead the 200 million-man army. Just look at the power he already has.
“Can you think of any other Russian politician who could become so powerful and have the will to lead Russia into the crisis of crises? I see nobody else on the horizon who could do that. And only a tiny few years remain for the prince of Rosh to appear! …
“This much is absolutely certain: The restoring of Russia’s power by Vladimir Putin—the prince of Russia—was prophesied! He has already solidly allied Russia with China. The prophecy about the prince of Russia includes that main alliance. … The only question is whether or not Putin personally finishes the entire prophecy.”
By the time Mr. Flurry published the 2021 version of The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ he had removed all doubt from his stance, asserting with certainty that Putin would personally fulfill this role.
“His track record, his nationality and his ideology show that he is fulfilling a linchpin Bible prophecy. The time frame of his rule also shows that nobody else could be fulfilling the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecy. …
“We need to watch Vladimir Putin closely. He is the ‘prince of Rosh’ whom God inspired Ezekiel to write about 2,500 years ago!”
Given our view of Putin’s key role in end-time Bible prophecy, the Trumpet does not agree with those who claim that his demise is imminent, or that Ukraine’s invasion of Russia spells the end for him. Conquering Ukraine is actually a central component of Putin’s big-picture goal of resurrecting the Soviet Empire. “The architecture of that empire was built around Ukraine being a part of it,” Mr. Flurry writes. “Ukraine is … the linchpin of his goal of a renewed imperial Russia!” This is why Putin remains so fiercely determined to subdue Ukraine, and shows that he is not likely to give up in this war, no matter how much time, blood and treasure it takes. But whatever the specific outcomes of this conflict, Bible prophecy shows that “Prince Putin” will eventually lead a colossal Asian army that will be fighting far larger and far more destructive wars.
To understand more, order your free copy of The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’